Volunteer Services at Brigham and Women's Hospital

Contact Volunteer Services


Directions to Brigham and Women's Hospital:

Brigham and Women's Hospital is located in the Longwood Medical Area of Boston, Massachusetts. It lies between Francis St. and Shattuck St. and is accessible from Brookline Ave. and Huntington Ave. View directions to the hospital.

Directions to Brigham and Women's Volunteer Services Office:

Volunteer Services is located at One Brigham Circle (OBC) 1620 Tremont Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02120. Enter the building from ground level, and walk straight ahead through the door labeled Brigham and Women’s Hospital to the Security Guard. Let Security know you are here for the Office for Sponsored Staff or Volunteer Services. Take the elevator to the 4th floor. Take a right out of the elevator, and two rights down the hallway. Turn Left after the Women’s Restroom and walk to the first door, stop and call 617-732-5998.

Mailing Address

Brigham and Women's Hospital
Volunteer Services
Human Resources

One Brigham Circle, 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02115

Staff Contact Information

For information about registering for an upcoming Orientation Session, click here.

General Volunteer Queries

Kelsey Bennett
Volunteer Program Director

Amy Almeida
Volunteer Program & Training Coordinator