Injury Criteria for Transfer to Level I Trauma Center

Criteria for Consideration of Transfer

Critical Injuries Criteria

  1. Carotid or vertebral arterial injury
  2. Torn thoracic aorta or great vessel
  3. Cardiac rupture
  4. Bilateral pulmonary contusion with PaO2 to FiO2 ratio less than 200
  5. Major abdominal vascular injury
  6. Grade IV or V liver injuries requiring >6 U red blood cells transfusion in 6 h
  7. Unstable pelvic fracture requiring >6 U red blood cells transfusion in 6 h
  8. Fracture or dislocation with loss of distal pulses

Life-threatening Injuries Criteria

  1. Penetrating injury or open fracture of the skull
  2. Glasgow Coma Scale score <14 or lateralizing neurologic signs
  3. Spinal fracture or spinal cord deficit
  4. >2 unilateral rib fractures or bilateral rib fractures with pulmonary contusion
  5. Open long bone fracture
  6. Significant torso injury with advanced comorbid disease

Excerpted from Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient: 2006, Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons.

One Call Transfer

Through the Mass General Brigham Patient Transfer and Access Center, providers can now request a transfer from their acute care hospital to Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, or one of our acute care community hospitals—all with a single phone call.

Please call: 1-855-468-6642 (1-855 GO TO MGB)

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