Make an Appointment
If you are concerned that you are at-risk for breast cancer and would like an in-depth evaluation by our breast cancer specialists in the B-PREP Program, call (617) 732-8111. For more information on patient registration or scheduling an appointment with a Breast Specialist please visit our appointment page.
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment
Our multi-phased approach begins with an easy-to-fill-out breast cancer risk assessment survey that calculates risk through a series of questions about your personal background and family history. You will complete this survey electronically at your scheduled visit.
The survey addresses:
- Personal medical history
- Family history
- Reproductive history
- Lifestyle habits, including diet and exercise
- Hormone use
Results of this questionnaire are tabulated by specialized software and analyzed by your team of breast cancer specialists who will discuss the findings with you in person. You will learn about your level of risk and how it impacts choices about your health.
Next-step recommendations may involve:
If it is determined that you are at an increased risk for developing breast cancer, we will invite you to take part in an in-depth screening program tailored just for you. Learn more about our breast cancer risk-tailored screenings.
Women who discover that they are not at increased risk following our initial assessment will return to their healthcare providers reassured and better educated about breast health.
Breast Cancer Education
Your doctors and healthcare professionals in the B-PREP Program will educate you about breast cancer and the many variables that affect your risk of developing the disease. They will talk to you about:
If appropriate, our breast specialists will discuss medications that reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as risk-reducing surgeries such as prophylactic mastectomy.
Breast Cancer Genetic Counseling
The risk of breast cancer increases when close family members have had breast or other specific cancers. Genetic counseling and testing may be recommended if you meet high-risk criteria identified on your breast cancer risk questionnaire.
Counseling and testing is coordinated with the Cancer Genetics and Prevention Program at Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center. Specially trained genetic counselors and doctors can help you understand your personal risk of developing breast cancer.