Brenner Lab Publications

Michael Brenner original peer reviewed publications in chronological order:

  1. Brenner MB, Kobayashi S, Wiesenhutter CW, Huberman AK, Bales P, Yu DTY.  In vitro T lymphocyte proliferative response to Yersinia enterocolitica in Reiter's syndrome: lack of response in other HLA-B27 positive individuals.  Arthritis Rheum.  1984; 27:250-257.
  2. Maeda K, Kono D, Kobayashi S, Brenner MB, Yu DTY. A study of the specificity of the direct binding between bacteria and HLA antigens.  Clin Exp Immunol.  1984; 57:694-702.
  3. Hemler ME, Brenner MB, McLean JM, Strominger JL. Antigenic stimulation regulates the level of expression of interleukin 2 receptor on human T cells.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  1984; 81:2172-2175.
  4. Brenner MB, Trowbridge IS, McLean J, Strominger JL.  Identification of shared antigenic determinants of the putative human T lymphocyte antigen receptor.  J Exp Med.  1984; 160:541-551.
  5. Brenner MB, Trowbridge IS, Strominger JL. Cross‑linking of human T cell receptor proteins: association between the T cell idiotype b subunit and the T3 glycoprotein heavy subunit.  Cell  1985; 40:183-190.
  6. Hemler ME, Jacobson JG, Brenner MB, Mann D, Strominger JL. VLA‑1: a T cell surface antigen which defines a novel late stage of human T cell activation. Eur J Immunol.  1985; 15:502-508.
  7. Brenner MB, McLean J, Yang SY, van der Poel JJ, Pious D, Strominger JL. Clonal T lymphocyte recognition of the fine structure of the HLA‑A2 molecule.  J Immunol.  1985; 135:384-390.
  8. Brenner MB, McLean J, Dialynas DP, Strominger JL, Smith JA, Owen FL, Seidman JG, Ip S, Rosen F, Krangel MS. Identification of a putative second T-cell receptor.  Nature  1986; 322:145-149.
  9. Bank I, DePinho RA, Brenner MB, Cassimeris J, Alt FW, Chess L. A functional T3 molecule associated with a novel heterodimer on the surface of immature human thymocytes.  Nature  1986; 322:179-181.
  10. Brenner MB, McLean J, Scheft H, Riberdy J, Ang S-L, Seidman JG, Devlin P, Krangel MS. Two forms of the T-cell receptor g protein found on peripheral blood cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  Nature  1987; 325:689-694.
  11. Brenner MB, McLean J, Scheft H, Warnke RA, Jones N, Strominger JL. Characterizatio­n and expression of the human ab T cell receptor using a framework monoclonal antibody. J Immunol.  1987; 138:1502-1509.
  12. Maecker HT, Kitamura K, Brenner MB, Levy R. Isolation of anti‑idiotypic antibodies to T cells using an anti‑frame­work determinant antibody. J Immunol Methods  1987; 98:219-226.
  13. Krangel MS, Bierer BE, Devlin P, Clabby M, Strominger JL, McLean J, Brenner MB. T3 glycoprotein is functional although structurally distinct on human T-cell receptor g T lymphocytes.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  1987; 84:3817-3821.
  14. Krangel MS, Band H, Hata S, McLean J, Brenner MB. Structurally divergent human T cell receptor g proteins encoded by distinct Cg genes.  Science  1987; 237:64-67.
  15. Modlin RL, Brenner MB, Krangel MS, Duby AD, Bloom BR. T-cell receptors of human suppressor cells.  Nature  1987; 329:541-545.
  16. Picker LJ, Brenner MB, Weiss LM, Smith SD, Warnke RA. Discordant expression of CD3 and T-cell receptor beta-chain antigens in T-lineage lymphomas. Am J Pathol.  1987; 129:434-440.
  17. Hata S, Brenner MB, Krangel MS. Identification of putative human T cell receptor d complementary DNA clones.  Science  1987; 238:678-682.
  18. Band H, Hochstenbach F, McLean J, Hata S, Krangel MS, Brenner MB. Immunochemical proof that a novel rearranging gene encodes the T cell receptor d subunit.  Science  1987; 238:682-684.
  19. Hata S, Satyanarayana K, Devlin P, Band H, McLean J, Strominger JL, Brenner MB, Krangel MS. Extensive junctional diversity of rearranged human T cell receptor d genes.  Science  1988; 240:1541-1544.
  20. Hochstenbach F, Parker C, McLean J, Gieselmann V, Band H, Bank I, Chess L, Spits H, Strominger JL, Seidman JG, Brenner MB. Characterization of a third form of the human T cell receptor g/d.  J Exp Med.  1988; 168:761-776.
  21. Picker LJ, Brenner MB, Michie S, Warnke RA. Expression of T cell receptor delta chains in benign and malignant T lineage lymphoproliferations.  Am J Pathol.  1988; 132:401-405.
  22. Brennan FM, Londei M, Jackson AM, Hercend T, Brenner MB, Maini RN, Feldmann M. T cells expressing gd chain receptors in rheumatoid arthritis.  J Autoimmun.  1988; 1:319-326.
  23. Saito T, Hochstenbach F, Marusic-Galesic S, Kruisbeek AM, Brenner M, Germain RN. Surface expression of only gd and/or ab T cell receptor heterodimers by cells with four (a, b, g, d) functional receptor chains.  J Exp Med. 1988; 168:1003-1020.
  24. Bank I, Hemler M, Brenner MB, Cohen D, Levy V, Belko J, Crouse C, Chess L. A novel monoclonal antibody, 1B3.1, binds to a new epitope of the VLA-1 molecule.  Cell Immunol.  1989; 122:416-423.
  25. Groh V, Porcelli S, Fabbi M, Lanier LL, Picker LJ, Anderson T, Warnke RA, Bhan AK, Strominger JL, Brenner MB. Human lymphocytes bearing T cell receptor g/d are phenotypically diverse and evenly distributed throughout the lymphoid system.  J Exp Med.  1989; 169:1277-1294.
  26. Band H, Hochstenbach F, Parker CM, McLean J, Krangel MS, Brenner MB. Expression of human T cell receptor-gd structural forms.  J Immunol.  1989; 142:3627-3633.
  27. Modlin RL, Pirmez C, Hofman FM, Torigian V, Uyemura K, Rea TH, Bloom BR, Brenner MB. Lymphocytes bearing antigen-specific gd T-cell receptors accumulate in human infectious disease lesions.  Nature  1989; 339:544-548.
  28. Hochstenbach F, Brenner MB. T-cell receptor d-chain can substitute for a to form a bd   heterodimer.  Nature  1989; 340:562-565.
  29. Porcelli S, Brenner MB, Greenstein JL, Balk SP, Terhorst C, Bleicher PA. Recognition of cluster of differentiation 1 antigens by human CD4-8- cytolytic T lymphocytes.  Nature  1989; 341:447-450.
  30. Solomon KR, Krangel MS, McLean J, Brenner MB, Band H. Human T cell receptor-g and  -d chain pairing analyzed by transfecting of a T cell receptor -d negative mutant cell line.  J Immunol.  1990; 144:1120-1126.
  31. Parker CM, Groh V, Band H, Porcelli SA, Morita C, Fabbi M, Glass D, Strominger JL, Brenner MB. Evidence for extrathymic changes in the T cell receptor g/d repertoire.  J Exp Med.  1990; 171:1597-1612.
  32. Janson CH, Grunewald J, Österborg A, DerSimonian H, Brenner MB, Mellstedt H, Wigzell H. Predominant T cell receptor V gene usage in patients with abnormal clones of B cells.  Blood  1991; 77:1776-1780.
  33. Denning SM, Jones DM, Ware RE, Weinhold KJ, Brenner MB, Haynes BF. Analysis of clones derived from human CD7+CD4-CD8-CD3- thymocytes. Int Immunol.  1991; 3:1015-1024.
  34. Panchamoorthy G, McLean J, Modlin RL, Morita CT, Ishikawa S, Brenner MB, Band H. A predominance of the T cell receptor Vg2/Vd2 subset in human mycobacteria-responsive T cells suggests germline gene encoded recognition.  J Immunol.  1991; 147:3360-3369.
  35. DerSimonian H, Band H, Brenner, MB. Increased frequency of T cell receptor Va12.1 expression on CD8+ T Cells: evidence that Va participates in shaping the peripheral T cell repertoire.  J Exp Med.  1991; 174:639-648 (see correction 174:1287).
  36. Van Kerckhove C, Russell GJ, Deusch K, Reich K, Bhan AK, DerSimonian H, Brenner MB. Oligoclonality of human intestinal intraepithelial T cells.  J Exp Med.  1992; 175:57-63.
  37. Morita CT, Verma S, Aparicio P, Martinez-A. C, Spits H, Brenner MB. Functionally distinct subsets of human g/d T cells.  Eur J Immunol.  1991; 21:2999-3007.
  38. Parker CM, Cepek KL, Russell GJ, Shaw SK, Posnett D, Schwarting R, Brenner MB.  A family of b7 integrins on human mucosal lymphocytes.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA   1992; 89:1924-1928.
  39. Hochstenbach F, David V, Watkins S, Brenner MB. Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein of 90 kilodaltons associates with the T- and B-cell antigen receptors and major histocompatibility complex antigens during their assembly.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  1992; 89:4734-4738.
  40. Porcelli S, Morita CT, Brenner MB. CD1b restricts the response of human CD4-8- T lymphocytes to a microbial antigen.  Nature  1992; 360:593-597.
  41. DerSimonian H, Masahiko S, Glass DN, Maier AL, Weinblatt ME, Rème T, Brenner MB. Clonal Va12.1+ T cell expansions in the peripheral blood of rheumatoid arthritis patients. J Exp Med.  1993; 177:1623-1631.
  42. Porcelli S, Yockey CE, Brenner MB, Balk SP. Analysis of T cell antigen receptor (TCR) expression by human peripheral blood CD4-8- a/b T cells demonstrates preferential use of several Vb genes and an invariant TCR a chain.  J Exp Med.   1993; 178:1-16.
  43. David V, Hochstenbach F, Rajagopalan S, Brenner MB. Interaction with newly synthesized and retained proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum suggests a chaperone function for human integral membrane protein IP90 (calnexin).  J Biol Chem.  1993; 268:9585-9592.
  44. Parker CM, Pujades C, Brenner MB, Hemler ME. a4/180, a novel form of the integrin a4 subunit.  J Biol Chem.  1993; 268:7028-7035.
  45. Cepek KL, Parker CM, Madara JL, Brenner MB. Integrin aEb7 mediates adhesion of T lymphocytes to epithelial cells.  J Immunol.  1993; 150:3459-3470.
  46. Rajagopalan S, Xu Y, Brenner, MB. Retention of unassembled components of integral membrane proteins by calnexin.  Science  1994;  263:387-390.
  47. Russell GJ, Parker CM, Cepek KL, Brenner MB, Bhan AK. Evidence for a structural difference in the CD7 polypeptide on juman thymocytes and intraepithelial lymphocytes defined by a new monoclonal antibody, 3D9.  Cellular Immunol.  1994;  154:153-165.
  48. Shaw SK, Cepek KL, Murphy EA, Russell GJ, Brenner MB, Parker CM. Molecular cloning of the human mucosal lymphocyte integrin aE subunit.  J Biol Chem.  1994;  269:6016-6025.
  49. Rajagopalan S, Brenner, MB. Calnexin retains unassembled major histocompatibility complex class I free heavy chains in the endoplasmic reticulum.  J Exp Med.  1994; 180:407-412.
  50. Tanaka Y, Sano S, Nieves E, De Libero G, Rosa D, Modlin RL, Brenner MB, Bloom BR, Morita CT.    Nonpeptide ligands for human gd T cells.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  1994;  91:8175-8179.
  51. Russell GJ, Parker CM, Cepek KL, Mandelbrot DA, Sood A, Mizoguchi E, Ebert EC, Brenner MB, Bhan AK. Distinct structural and functional epitopes of the aEb7 integrin.  Eur J  Immunol.  1994: 24:2832‑2841.
  52. Schreiber KL, Bell MP, Huntoon CJ, Rajagopalan S, Brenner MB, McKean DJ. Class II histocompatibility molecules associate with calnexin during assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum.  Int Immunol.  1994;  6:101-111.
  53. Sugita M, Brenner MB. An unstable b2-microglobulin: major histocompatibility complex class I heavy chain intermediate dissociates from calnexin and then is stabilized by binding peptide.  J Exp Med.  1994;  180:2163-2171.
  54. Cepek KL, Shaw SK, Parker CM, Russell GJ, Morrow JS, Rimm DL, Brenner MB. Adhesion between epithelial cells and T lymphocytes mediated by E-cadherin and the aEb7 integrin.  Nature  1994;  372:190-193.
  55. Beckman EM, Porcelli SA, Morita CT, Behar SM, Furlong ST, Brenner MB. Recognition of a lipid antigen by CD1-restricted ab+ T cells.  Nature  1994;  372:691-694.
  56. Morita CT, Parker CM, Brenner MB, Band H. TCR and functional capabilities of human    gd T cells at birth.  J Immunol.  1994;  153:3979‑3988.
  57. Bukowski JF, Morita CT, Brenner MB. Recognition and destruction of virus-infected cells by human gd CTL.  J Immunol.  1994;  153:5133-5140.
  58. Kaoutzani P, Colgan SP, Cepek KL, Burkard PG, Carlson S, Delp-Archer C, Brenner MB, Madara JL. Reconstitution of cultured intestinal epithelial monolayers with a mucosal-derived T lymphocyte cell line.  J Clin Invest. 1994: 94:788-796. 
  59. Smith TJ, Ducharme LA, Shaw SK, Parker CM, Brenner MB, Kilshaw PJ, Weis JH. Murine M290 integrin expression modulated by mast cell activation.  Immunity  1994;  1:393-403.
  60. Bukowski JF, Morita CT, Tanaka Y, Bloom BR, Brenner MB, Band H. Vg2Vd2 TCR-dependent recognition of non-peptide antigens and Daudi cells analyzed by TCR gene transfer.  J Immunol.  1995; 154:998-1006.
  61. Sugita M, Brenner MB. Association of the invariant chain with major histocompatibility complex class I molecules directs trafficking to endocytic compartments.  J Biol Chem. 1995; 270:1443‑1448. 
  62. Sieling PA, Chatterjee D, Porcelli SA, Prigozy TI, Mazzaccaro RJ, Soriano T, Bloom BR, Brenner MB, Kronenberg M, Brennan PJ, Modlin RL. CD1-restricted T cell recognition of microbial lipoglycan antigens.  Science  1995;  269:227-230.
  63. Morita CT, Beckman EM, Bukowski JF, Tanaka Y, Band H, Bloom BR, Golan DE, Brenner MB. Direct presentation of nonpeptide prenyl pyrophosphate antigens to human    gd T cells.  Immunity 1995; 3:495-507.
  64. Tanaka Y, Morita CT, Tanaka Y, Nieves E, Brenner MB, and Bloom BR. Natural and synthetic non-peptide antigens recognized by human gd T cells.  Nature 1995; 375:155-158.
  65. Behar SM, Porcelli SA, Beckman EM, Brenner MB. A pathway of costimulation that prevents anergy in CD28- T cells: B7-independent costimulation to CD1-restricted T cells.  J Exp Med.  1995; 182:2007-2018.
  66. Travaglio-Encinoza A, Chaouni I, Dersimonian H, Jorgensen C, Simony-Lafontaine J, Romagné F, Sany J, D’Angeac AD, Brenner MB, Rème T. T cell receptor distribution in rheumatoid synovial follicles.  J Rheumatol.  1995; 22:394-399.
  67. Cepek KL, Rimm DL, Brenner MB. Expression of a candidate cadherin in T lymphocytes.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996; 93:6567-6571.
  68. Sugita M, Jackman RM, van Donselaar E, Behar SM, Rogers RA, Peters PJ, Brenner MB, Porcelli SA. Cytoplasmic tail-dependent localization of CD1b antigen-presenting molecules to MIICs.  Science 1996; 273:349-352.
  69. Diacovo TG, Roth SJ, Morita CT, Rosat J-P, Brenner MB, Springer TA. Interactions of  human a/b and g/d T lymphocyte subsets in shear flow with E-selectin and P-selectin.  J Exp Med.  1996; 183:1193-1203.
  70. Russell GJ, Parker CM, Sood A, Mizoguchi E, Ebert EC, Bhan AK, Brenner MB. p126 (CDw101), a costimulatory molecule preferentially expressed on mucosal T lymphocytes.  J Immunol.  1996; 157:3366-3374.
  71. Lebedeva MI, Fields BA, Spits H, Panchamoorthy G, Brenner MB, Mariuzza RA. Cloning, expression, and crystallization of the Vd domain of human gd T-cell receptor.  Protein Sci. 1996; 5:2638-2642.
  72. Prigozy TI, Sieling PA, Clemens D, Stewart PL, Behar SM, Porcelli SA, Brenner MB, Modlin RL, Kronenberg M. The mannose receptor delivers lipoglycan antigens to endosomes for presentation to T cells by CD1b molecules.  Immunity  1997; 6:187-197.
  73. Stenger S, Mazzaccaro RJ, Uyemura K, Cho S, Barnes PF, Rosat J-P, Sette A, Brenner MB, Porcelli SA, Bloom BR, Modlin RL. Differential effects of cytolytic T cell subsets on intracellular infection.  Science 1997; 276:1684-1687.
  74. Giuliani A, Tentori L, Pepponi R, Porcelli SA, Aquino A, Orlando L, Sugita M, Brenner MB, Bonmassar E, Graziani G. Cytokine-induced expression of CD1b molecules by peripheral blood monocytes: influence of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine.  Pharmacol Res.  1997; 35:135-140.
  75. Sugita M, Porcelli SA, Brenner MB. Assembly and retention of CD1b heavy chains in the endoplasmic reticulum.  J Immunol. 1997; 159:2358-2365.
  76. Giuliani A, Porcelli SA, Tentori L, Graziani G, Testorelli C, Prete SP, Bussini S, Cappelletti D, Brenner MB, Bonmassar E, Aquino A. Effect of rifampin on CD1b expression and double-negative T cell responses against mycobacteria-derived glycolipid antigen.  Life Sci.  1998; 63:985-994.
  77. Shaw SK, Hermanowski-Vosatka A, Shibahara T, McCormick BA, Parkos CA, Carlson SL, Ebert EC, Brenner MB, Madara JL. Migration of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes into a polarized epithelial monolayer.  Am J Physiol.  1998; 275:G584-G591.
  78. Higgins JMG, Mandelbrot DA, Shaw SK, Russell GJ, Murphy EA, Chen Y-T, Nelson WJ, Parker CM, Brenner MB. Direct and regulated interaction of integrin aEb7 with E-cadherin.  J Cell Biol.  1998; 140:197-210.
  79. Li H, Lebedeva MI, Llera AS, Fields BA, Brenner MB, Mariuzza RA. Structure of the Vd  domain of a human gd T-cell antigen receptor.  Nature 1998; 391:502-506.
  80. Roth SJ, Diacovo TG, Brenner MB, Rosat J-P, Buccola J, Morita CT, Springer TA. Transendothelial chemotaxis of human a/b and g/d T lymphocytes to chemokines.  Eur J Immunol.  1998; 28:104-113.
  81. Behar SM, Roy C, Lederer J, Fraser P, Brenner MB. Clonally expanded Va12+ (AV12S1),CD8+ T cells from a patient with rheumatoid arthritis are autoreactive.  Arthritis Rheum.  1998; 41:498-506.
  82. Bukowski JF, Morita CT, Band H, Brenner MB. Crucial role of TCRg chain junctional region in prenyl pyrophosphate antigen recognition by gd T cells.  J Immunol.  1998; 161:286-293.
  83. Tentori L, Graziani G, Porcelli SA, Sugita M, Brenner MB, Madaio R, Bonmassar E, Giuliani A, Aquino A. Rifampin increases cytokine-induced expression of the CD1b molecule in human peripheral blood monocytes.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother.  1998; 42:550-554.
  84. Rosat J-P, Grant EP, Beckman EM, Dascher CC, Sieling PA, Frederique D, Modlin RL, Porcelli SA, Furlong ST, Brenner MB. CD1-restricted microbial lipid antigen-specific recognition found in the CD8+ ab T cell pool.  J Immunol.  1999; 162:366-371.
  85. Grant EP, Degano M, Rosat J-P, Stenger S, Modlin RL, Wilson IA, Porcelli SA, Brenner MB. Molecular recognition of lipid antigens by T cell receptors.  J Exp Med.  1999; 189:195-205.
  86. Behar SM, Podrebarac TA, Roy CJ, Wang CR, Brenner MB. Diverse TCRs recognize murine CD1.  J Immunol.  1999; 162:161-167.
  87. Chen YH, Wang B, Chun T, Zhao L, Cardell S, Behar SM, Brenner MB, Wang CR. Expression of CD1d2 on thymocytes is not sufficient for the development of NK T cells in CD1d1-deficient mice.  J Immunol. 1999; 162:4560-4566. 
  88. Schön MP, Arya A, Murphy EA, Adams CM, Strauch UG, Agace WW, Marsal J, Donohue JP, Her H, Beier DR, Olson S, Lefrancois L, Brenner MB, Grusby MJ, Parker CM. Mucosal T lymphocyte numbers are selectively reduced in integrin aE (CD103)-deficient mice.  J Immunol.  1999; 162:6641-6649.
  89. Behar SM, Dascher CC, Grusby MJ, Wang C-R, Brenner MB. Susceptibility of mice deficient in CD1D or TAP1 to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  J Exp Med.  1999; 189:1973-1980.
  90. Shieh C-C, Sadasivan BK, Russell GJ, Schön MP, Parker CM, Brenner MB. Lymphocyte adhesion to epithelia and endothelia mediated by the lymphocyte endothelial-epithelial cell adhesion molecule (LEEP-CAM ) glycoprotein.  J Immunol.  1999; 163:1592-1601.
  91. Bukowski JF, Morita CT, Brenner MB. Human  gd  T cells recognize alkylamines derived from microbes, edible plants, and tea: implications for innate immunity.  Immunity 1999; 11:57-65.
  92. Sugita M, Grant EP, van Donselaar E, Hsu VW, Rogers RA, Peters PJ, Brenner MB. Separate pathways for antigen presentation by CD1 molecules.  Immunity 1999; 11:743-752.
  93. Li Z, Kim SH, Higgins JMG, Brenner MB, Sacks DB. IQGAP1 and calmodulin modulate E-cadherin function.  J Biol Chem.  1999; 274:37885-37892.
  94. Ho SC, Rajagopalan S, Chaudhuri S, Shieh CC, Brenner MB, Pillai S. Membrane anchoring of calnexin facilitates its interaction with its targets.  Mol Immunol.  1999; 36:1-12.
  95. Dascher CC, Hiromatsu K, Naylor JW, Brauer PP, Brown KA, Storey JR, Behar SM, Kawasaki ES, Porcelli SA, Brenner MB, LeClair KP. Conservation of a CD1 multigene family in the guinea pig.  J Immunol.  1999;  163:5478-5488.
  96. Spada FM, Grant EP, Peters PJ, Sugita M, Melián A, Leslie DS, Lee HK, van Donselaar E, Hanson DA, Krensky AM, Majdic O, Porcelli SA, Morita CT, Brenner MB. Self- recognition of CD1 by g/d T cells:  implications for innate immunity.  J Exp Med.  2000;  191:937-948.
  97. Taraszka KS, Higgins JMG, Tan K, Mandelbrot DA, Wang J-h, Brenner MB. Molecular basis for leukocyte integrin aEb7 adhesion to epithelial (E-)cadherin.  J Exp Med.  2000; 191:1555-1567.
  98. Sieling PA, Ochoa M-T, Jullien D, Leslie DS, Sabet S, Rosat J-P, Burdick AE, Rea TH, Brenner MB, Porcelli SA, Modlin RL. Evidence for human CD4+ T cells in the CD1-restricted repertoire:  derivation of mycobacteria-reactive T cells from leprosy lesions.  J Immunol.  2000;  164:4790-4796.
  99. Gumperz JE, Roy C, Makowska A, Lum D, Sugita M, Podrebarac T, Koezuka Y, Porcelli SA, Cardell S, Brenner MB, Behar SM.   Murine CD1d-restricted T cell recognition of cellular lipids.  Immunity 2000; 12:211-221.
  100. Moody DB, Ulrichs T, Mühlecker W, Young DC, Gurcha SS, Grant E, Rosat J-P, Brenner MB, Costello CE, Besra GS, Porcelli SA. CD1c-mediated T-cell recognition of isoprenoid glycolipids in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.  Nature  2000;  404:884-888.
  101. Sugita M, van der Wel N, Rogers RA, Peters PJ, Brenner MB. CD1c molecules broadly survey the endocytic system.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  2000; 97:8445-8450.
  102. Higgins JMG, Cernadas M, Tan K, Irie A. Wang J-h, Takada Y, Brenner MB. The role of a and b chains in ligand recognition by b7 integrins.  J Biol Chem.  2000;  275:25652-25664. 
  103. Moody DB, Guy MR, Grant E, Cheng T-Y, Brenner MB, Besra GS, Porcelli SA. CD1b-mediated T cell recognition of a glycolipid antigen generated from mycobacterial lipid and host carbohydrate during infection.  J Exp Med.  2000; 192:965-976.
  104. Bukowski JF, Roncarolo MG, Spits H, Krangel MS, Morita CT, Brenner MB, Band H. T cell receptor-dependent activation of human lymphocytes through cell surface ganglioside GT1b: implications for innate immunity.  Eur J Immunol.  2000; 30:3199-3206.
  105. Melián A, Watts GFM, Shamshiev A, De Libero G, Clatworthy A, Vincent M, Brenner MB, Behar S, Niazi K, Modlin RL, Almo S, Ostrov D, Nathenson SG, Porcelli SA. Molecular recognition of human CD1b antigen complexes: evidence for a common pattern of interaction with ab TCRs.  J Immunol.  2000; 165:4494-4504.
  106. Giuliani A, Prete SP, Graziani G, Aquino A, Balduzzi A, Sugita M, Brenner MB, Iona E, Fattorini L, Orefici G, Porcelli SA, Bonmasar E. Influence of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette Guerin on in vitro induction of CD1 molecules in human adherent mononuclear cells.  Infect Immun.  2001; 12:7461-7470.
  107. Ji H, Ohmura K, Mahmood U, Lee DM, Hofhuis FMA, Boackle SA, Takahashi K, Holers VM, Walport M, Gerard C, Ezekowitz A, Carroll MC, Brenner M, Weissleder R, Verbeek JS, Duchatelle V, Degott C, Benoist C, Mathis D. Arthritis critically dependent on innate immune system players.  Immunity  2002; 16:157-168.
  108. Gumperz JE, Miyake S, Yamamura T, Brenner MB. Functionally distinct subsets of CD1d-restricted natural killer T cells revealed by CD1d tetramer staining.  J Exp Med.  2002; 195:625-636.
  109. Matsumoto I, Maccioni M, Lee DM, Maurice M, Simmons B, Brenner M, Mathis D, Benoist C. How antibodies to a ubiquitous cytoplasmic enzyme may provoke joint-specific autoimmune disease.  Nat Immunol.  2002; 3:360-365.
  110. Grant EP, Beckman EM, Behar SM, Degano M, Frederique D, Besra GS, Wilson IA, Porcelli SA, Furlong ST, Brenner MB. Fine specificity of TCR complementarity-determining region residues and lipid antigen hydrophilic moieties in the recognition of a CD1-lipid complex.  J Immunol.  2002; 168:3933-3940.
  111. Shen Y, Zhou D, Qiu L, Lai X, Simon M, Shen L, Kou Z, Wang Q, Jiang L, Estep J, Hunt R, Clagett M, Sehgal PK, Li Y, Zeng X, Morita CT, Brenner MB, Letvin NL, Chen ZW. Adaptive immune response of Vg2Vd2+ T cells during mycobacterial infections.  Science  2002; 295:2255-2258.
  112. Sugita M, Cao X, Watts GFM, Rogers RA, Bonifacino JS, Brenner MB. Failure of trafficking and antigen presentation by CD1 in AP-3-deficient cells.  Immunity  2002; 16:697-706.
  113. Hiromatsu K, Dascher CC, Sugita M, Gingrich-Baker C, Behar SM, LeClair KP, Brenner MB, Porcelli SA. Characterization of guinea-pig group 1 CD1 proteins.  Immunology  2002; 106:159-172.
  114. Hiromatsu K, Dascher CC, LeClair KP, Sugita M, Furlong ST, Brenner MB, Porcelli SA. Induction of CD1-restricted immune responses in guinea pigs by immunization with mycobacterial lipid antigens.  J Immunol.  2002; 169:330-339.
  115. Lee DM, Friend DS, Gurish MF, Benoist C, Mathis D, Brenner MB. Mast cells: a cellular link between autoantibodies and inflammatory arthritis.  Science 2002; 297:1689-1692.
  116. Cao X, Sugita M, van der Wel N, Lai J, Rogers RA, Peters PJ, Brenner MB. CD1 molecules efficiently present antigen in immature dendritic cells and traffic independently of MHC class II during dendritic cell maturation.  J Immunol.  2002; 169:4770-4777.
  117. Vincent MS, Leslie DS, Gumperz JE, Xiong X, Grant EP, Brenner MB. CD1-dependent dendritic cell instruction.  Nature Immunol.  2002; 3:1163-1168.
  118. Dascher CC, Hiromatsu K, Xiong X, Sugita M, Buhlmann JE, Dodge IL, Lee SY, Roura-Mir C, Watts GF, Roy CJ, Behar SM, Clemens DL, Porcelli SA, Brenner MB. Conservation of CD1 intracellular trafficking patterns between mammalian species.  J Immunol.  2002; 169:6951-6958.
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  170. Brigl M, Tattituri RVV, Watts GFM, Bhowruth V, Leadbetter EA, Barton N, Cohen NR, Hsu FF, Besra GS, Brenner MB. Innate and cytokine-dirven signals, rather than microbial antigens, dominate in natural killer T cell activation during microbial infection.  J Exp Med. 2011; 208:1163-1177.
  171. Garg S, Sharma M, Ung C, Tuli A, Barral DC, Hava DL, Veerapen N, Besra GS, Hacohen N, and Brenner MB. Lysosomal trafficking, antigen presentation, and microbial killing are controlled by the Arf-like GTPase Arl8b.  Immunity  2011; 35:182-193.
  172. Kasmar AG, van Rhijn I, Cheng T-Y, Turner M, Seshadri C, Schiefner A, Kalathur RC, Annand JW, de Jong A, Shires J, Leon L, Brenner M, Wilson IA, Altman JD, Moody DM. CD1b tetramers bind αβ T cell receptors to identify a mycobacterial glycolipid-reactive T cell repertoire in human.  J Exp Med. 2011; 208:1741-1747. 
  173. Brennan PJ, Tatituri RVV, Brigl M, Kim EY, Tuli A, Sanderson JP, Gadola SD, Hsu F-F, Besra GS, Brenner MB. Invariant natural killer T cells recognize lipid self antigen induced by microbial danger signals.  Nature Immunol. 2011; 12:1202-1211.
  174. Cohen NR, Tatituri RVV, Rivera A, Watts GFM, Kim EY, Chiba A, Fuchs BB, Mylonakis E, Besra GS, Levitz SM, Brigl M, Brenner MB. Innate recognition of cell wall β-glucans drives invariant natural killer T cell responses against fungi.  Cell Host Microbe 2011; 10:437-450.
  175. King IL, Fortier A, Tighe M, Dibble J, Watts GFM, Veerapen N, Haberman AM, Besra GS, Mohrs M, Brenner MB, Leadbetter EA. Invariant natural killer T cells direct B cell responses to cognate lipid antigen in an IL-21-dependent manner.  Nature Immunol. 2011; 13:44-50.
  176. Noss EH, Chang SK, Watts GFM, and Brenner MB. Modulation of matrix  metalloproteinase production by rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts after cadherin 11 engagement. Arthritis Rheum.  2011; 63:3768-3778.
  177. Tatituri RVV, Brenner MB, Turk J, Hsu F-F. Structural elucidation of diglycosyl  diacylglycerol and monoglycosyl diacylglycerol from Streptococcus pneumoniae by multiple-stage linear ion-trap mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization.  J Mass Spectrom. 2012; 47:115-123. 
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  179. León L, Tatituri RVV, Grenha R, Sun Y, Barral DC, Minnaard AJ, Bhowruth V, Veerapen N, Besra GS, Kasmar A, Peng W, Moody DB, Grabowski GA, Brenner MB. Saposins utilize two strategies for lipid transfer and CD1 antigen presentation.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012; 109:4357-4364.
  180. Malhotra D, Fletcher AL, Astarita J, Lukacs-Kornek V, Tayalia P, Gonzalez SF, Elpek KG, Chang SK, Knoblich K, Hemler ME, Brenner MB, Carroll MC, Mooney DJ, Turley SJ; Immunological Genome Project Consortium. Transcriptional profiling of stroma from inflamed and resting lymph nodes defines immunological hallmarks.  Nat Immunol.  2012; 13:499-510.  
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  182. Chen Y, Rice W, Gu Z, Li J, Huang J, Brenner MB, Van Hoek A, Xiong J, Gundersen GG, Norman JC, Hsu VW, Fenton RA, Brown D, Lu HA. Aquaporin 2 Promotes Cell Migration and Epithelial Morphogenesis.  J Am Soc Nephrol.  2012; 23:1506–1517. 
  183. Barral DC, Garg S, Casalou C, Watts GFM, Sandoval JL, Ramalho JS, Hsu VW, Brenner MB. Arl13b regulates endocytic recycling traffic.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012; 109:21354-21359.
  184. Cohen NR, Brennan PJ, Shay T, Watts GF, Brigl M, Kang J, Brenner MB & The Immunological Genome Project Consortium. Shared and distinct transcriptional programs underlie the hybrid nature of iNKT cells. Nature Immunol. 2013; 14:90-99.
  185. Tatituri RVV, Watts GFM, Bhowruth V, Barton N, Rothchild A, Hsu F-F, Almeida CF, Cox LR, Eggeling L, Cardell S, Rossjohn J, Godfrey DI, Behar SM, Besra GS, Brenner MB, Brigl M. Recognition of microbial and mammalian phospholipid anitgens by NKT cells with diverse TCRs.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110:1827-1832.
  186. Sanderson JP, Brennan PJ, Mansour S, Matulis G, Patel O, Lissin N, Godfrey DI, Kawahara K, Zähringer U, Rossjohn J, Brenner MB, Gadola SD. CD1d protein structure determines species-selective antigenicity of isoglobotrihexosylceramide (iGb3) to invariant NKT cells. Eur J Immunol. 2013; 43:815-825.
  187. Hu X, Kim H, Brennan PJ, Han B, Baecher-Allan CM, De Jager PL, Brenner MB, Raychaudhuri S. Application of user-guided automated cytometric data analysis to large-scale immunoprofiling of invariant natural killer T cells.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110:19030-19035.
  188. Tuli A, Thiery J, James AM, Michelet X, Sharma M, Garg S, Sanborn KB, Orange JS, Lieberman J, Brenner MB. Arf-like GTPase Arl8b regulates lytic granule polarization and natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity.  Mol Biol Cell 2013; 24:3721-3735.
  189. Bassiri H, Das R, Guan P, Barrett DM, Brennan PJ, Banerjee PP, Wiener SJ, Orange JS, Brenner MB, Grupp SA, Nichols KE. iNKT cell cytotoxic responses control T-lymphoma growth in vitro and in vivo.  Cancer Immunol Res.  2014; 2:59-69.
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  192. Hu X, Kim H, Raj T, Brennan PJ, Trynka G, Teslovich N, Slowikowski K, Chen WM, Onengut S, Baecher-Allan C, De Jager PL, Rich SS, Stranger BE, Brenner MB, Raychaudhuri S. Regulation of Gene Expression in Autoimmune Disease Loci and the Genetic Basis of Proliferation in CD4+ Effector Memory T Cells.  PLoS Genet. 2014 26;10:e1004404.
  193. Brennan PJ, Tatituri RVV, Heiss C, Watts GFM, Hsu F-F, Veerapen N, Cox LR, Azadi P, Besra GS, Brenner MB. Activation of iNKT cells by a distinct constituent of the endogenous glucosylceramide fraction.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014; 111:13433-13438.
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  197. Michelet X, Garg S, Wolf BJ, Tuli A, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Brenner MB. MHC Class II presentation is controlled by the lysosomal small GTPase, Arl8b.  J Immunol.  2015; 194:2079-2088. 
  198. Tattituri RVV, Wolf BJ, Brenner MB, Turk J, Hsu F-F. Characterization of polar lipids of Listeria monocytogenes by HCD and low-energy CAD linear ion-trap mass spectometry with electrospray ionization.  Anal Bioanal Chem.  2015; 407:2519-2528. 
  199. Noss EH, Watts GF, Zocco D, Keller TL, Whitman M, Blobel CP, Lee DM, Brenner MB. Evidence for cadherin-11 cleavage in the synovium and partial characterization of its mechanism. Arthritis Res Ther.  2015; 17:126.
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  201. Noss EH, Nguyen HN, Chang SK, Watts GF, Brenner MB. Genetic polymorphism directs IL-6 expression in fibroblasts but not selected other cell types.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  2015; 112:14948-14953.
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  207. Birtolo C, Pham H, Morvaridi S, Chheda C, Go VL, Ptasznik A, Edderkaoui M, Weisman MH, Noss E, Brenner MB, Larson B, Guindi M, Wang Q, Pandol SJ. Cadherin-11 Is a Cell Surface Marker Up-Regulated in Activated Pancreatic Stellate Cells and Is Involved in Pancreatic Cancer Cell Migration.  Am J Pathol. 2017; 187:146-155.
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  209. Nguyen HN, Noss EH, Mizoguchi F, Huppertz C, Wei KS, Watts GF, Brenner MB. Autocrine loop involving IL-6 family member LIF, LIF receptor, and STAT4 drives sustained fibroblast production of inflammatory mediators.  Immunity  2017; 46:220-232. 
  210. Boulenouar S, Michelet X, Duquette D, Alvarez D, Hogan AE, Dold C, O'Connor D, Stutte S, Tavakkoli A, Winters D, Exley MA, O'Shea D, Brenner MB, von Andrian U, Lynch L. Adipose Type One Innate Lymphoid Cells Regulate Macrophage Homeostasis through Targeted Cytotoxicity.  Immunity  2017; 46:273-286.
  211. Brennan PJ, Cheng TY, Pellicci DG, Watts GFM, Veerapen N, Young DC, Rossjohn J, Besra GS, Godfrey DI, Brenner MB, Moody DB. Structural determination of lipid antigens captured at the CD1d-T-cell receptor interface.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  2017; 114:8348-8353.
  212. Chang SK, Kohlgruber AC, Mizoguchi F, Michelet X, Wolf BJ, Wei K, Lee PY, Lynch L, Duquette D, Ceperuelo-Mallafré V, Banks AS, Brenner MB. Stromal cell cadherin-11 regulates adipose tissue inflammation and diabetes.  J Clin Invest. 2017; 127:3300-3312. 
  213. Mizoguchi F, Slowikowski K, Wei K, Marshall JL, Rao DA, Chang SK, Nguyen HN, Noss EH, Turner JD, Earp BE, Blazar PE, Wright J, Simmons BP, Donlin LT, Kalliolias GD, Goodman SM, Bykerk VP, Ivashkiv LB, Lederer JA, Hacohen N, Nigrovic PA, Filer A, Buckley CD, Raychaudhuri S, Brenner MB. Functionally distinct disease-associated fibroblast subsets in rheumatoid arthritis.  Nat Commun.  2018; 9:789.
  214. Michelet X, Tuli A, Gan H, Geadas C, Sharma M, Remold HG, Brenner MB. Lysosome-Mediated Plasma Membrane Repair Is Dependent on the Small GTPase Arl8b and Determines Cell Death Type in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection. J Immunol. 2018;  200:3160-3169. 
  215. Kohlgruber AC, Gal-Oz ST, LaMarche NM, Shimazaki M, Duquette D, Nguyen HN, Mina AI, Paras T, Tavakkoli A, von Andrian U, Banks AS, Shay T, Brenner MB*, Lynch L*. γδ T cells producing interleukin-17A regulate adipose regulatory T cell homeostasis and thermogenesis. Nature Immunol. 2018; 19:464-474. *authors contributed equally
  216. Donlin LT, Rao DA, Wei K, Slowikowski K, McGeachy MJ, Turner JD, Meednu N, Mizoguchi F, Gutierrez-Arcelus M, Lieb DJ, Keegan J, Muskat K, Hillman J, Rozo C, Ricker E2, Eisenhaure TM, Li S, Browne EP, Chicoine A, Sutherby D, Noma A, Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE Network, Nusbaum C, Kelly S, Pernis AB, Ivashkiv LB, Goodman SM, Robinson WH, Utz PJ, Lederer JA, Gravallese EM, Boyce BF, Hacohen N, Pitzalis C, Gregersen PK, Firestein GS, Raychaudhuri S, Moreland LW, Holers VM, Bykerk VP, Filer A, Boyle DL, Brenner MB, Anolik JH. Methods for high-dimensional analysis of cells dissociated from cryopreserved synovial tissue. Arthritis Res Ther. 2018; 20:139. 
  217. Li G, Martínez-Bonet M, Wu D, Yang Y, Cui J, Nguyen HN, Cunin P, Levescot A, Bai M, Westra HJ, Okada Y, Brenner MB, Raychaudhuri S, Hendrickson EA, Maas RL, Nigrovic PA. High-throughput identification of noncoding functional SNPs via type IIS enzyme restriction.  Nat Genet. 2018 50:1180-1188.  
  218. Fonseka CY, Rao DA, Teslovich NC, Korsunsky I, Hannes SK, Slowikowski K, Gurish MF, Donlin LT, Lederer JA, Weinblatt ME, Massarotti EM, Coblyn JS, Helfgott SM, Todd DJ, Bykerk VP, Karlson EW, Ermann J, Lee YC, Brenner MB, Raychaudhuri S. Mixed-effects association of single cells identifies an expanded effector CD4+ T cell subset in rheumatoid arthritis.  Sci Transl Med. 2018; 10:eaaq0305.
  219. Michelet X, Dyck L, Hogan A, Loftus RM, Duquette D, Wei K, Beyaz S, Tavakkoli A, Foley C, Donnelly R, O'Farrelly C, Raverdeau M, Vernon A, Pettee W, O'Shea D, Nikolajczyk BS, Mills KHG, Brenner MB, Finlay D, Lynch L. Metabolic reprogramming of natural killer cells in obesity limits antitumor responses.  Nat Immunol. 2018; 19:1330-1340.
  220. Gansner JM, Rahmani M, Jonsson AH, Fortin BM, Brimah I, Ellis M, Smeland-Wagman R, Li ZJ, Schenkel JM, Brenner MB, Yefidoff-Freedman R, Sloan SR, Berliner N, Issa NC, Baden LR, Longo DL, Wesemann DR, Neuberg D, Rao DA, Kaufman RM. Plateletpheresis-associated lymphopenia in frequent platelet donors.  Blood. 2019; 133:605-614.
  221. Gutierrez-Arcelus M, Teslovich N, Mola AR, Polidoro RB, Nathan A, Kim H, Hannes S, Slowikowski K, Watts GFM, Korsunsky I, Brenner MB, Raychaudhuri S, Brennan PJ. Lymphocyte innateness defined by transcriptional states reflects a balance between proliferation and effector functions.  Nat Commun. 2019;10:687.
  222. Madarampalli B, Watts GFM, Panipinto PM, Nguyen HN, Brenner MB, Noss EH. Interactions between cadherin-11 and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha signaling link cell adhesion and proliferation.  Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2019; 1865:1516-1524.
  223. Kuo D, Ding J, Cohn IS, Zhang F, Wei K, Rao DA, Rozo C, Sokhi UK, Shanaj S, Oliver DJ, Echeverria AP, DiCarlo EF, Brenner MB, Bykerk VP, Goodman SM, Raychaudhuri S, Rätsch G, Ivashkiv LB, Donlin LT. HBEGF+ macrophages in rheumatoid arthritis induce fibroblast invasiveness. Sci Transl Med. 2019; 11: pii:eaau8587. 
  224. Croft AP, Campos J, Jansen K, Turner JD, Marshall J, Attar M, Savary L, Wehmeyer C, Naylor AJ, Kemble S, Begum J, Dürholz K, Perlman H, Barone F, McGettrick HM, Fearon DT, Wei K, Raychaudhuri S, Korsunsky I, Brenner MB, Coles M, Sansom SN, Filer A, Buckley CD. Distinct fibroblast subsets drive inflammation and damage in arthritis.  Nature 2019; 570:246-251.
  225. Clancy-Thompson E, Chen GZ, LaMarche NM, Ali LR, Jeong HJ, Crowley SJ, Boelaars K, Brenner MB, Lynch L, Dougan SK. Transnuclear mice reveal Peyer's patch iNKT cells that regulate B-cell class switching to IgG1.  EMBO J. 2019; 38:e101260. 
  226. Zhang F^, Wei K^, Slowikowski K^, Fonseka CY^, Rao DA^, Kelly S, Goodman SM, Tabechian D, Hughes LB, Salomon-Escoto K, Watts GFM, Jonsson AH, Rangel-Moreno J, Meednu N, Rozo C, Apruzzese W, Eisenhaure TM, Lieb DJ, Boyle DL, Mandelin II AM, Accelerating Medicines Partnership Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AMP RA/SLE) Consortium, Boyce BF, DiCarlo E, Gravallese EM, Gregersen PK, Moreland L, Firestein GS, Hacohen N, Nusbaum C, Lederer JA, Perlman H, Pitzalis C, Filer A, Holers VM, Bykerk VP, Donlin LT*, Anolik JH*, Brenner MB*, Raychaudhuri S*. Defining inflammatory cell states in rheumatoid arthritis joint synovial tissues by integrating single-cell transcriptomics and mass cytometry. Nat Immunol. 2019; 20:928-942. ^authors contributed equally *authors contributed equally
  227. Arazi A, Rao DA, Berthier CC, Davidson A, Liu Y, Hoover PJ, Chicoine A, Eisenhaure TM, Jonsson AH, Li S, Lieb DJ, Zhang F, Slowikowski K, Browne EP, Noma A, Sutherby D, Steelman S, Smilek DE, Tosta P, Apruzzese W, Massarotti E, Dall'Era M, Park M, Kamen DL, Furie RA, Payan-Schober F, Pendergraft WF 3rd, McInnis EA, Buyon JP, Petri MA, Putterman C, Kalunian KC, Woodle ES, Lederer JA, Hildeman DA, Nusbaum C, Raychaudhuri S, Kretzler M, Anolik JH, Brenner MB, Wofsy D, Hacohen N, Diamond B; Accelerating Medicines Partnership in SLE network. The immune cell landscape in kidneys of patients with lupus nephritis.  Nat Immunol. 2019; 20:902-914.
  228. Bocharnikov AV, Keegan J, Wacleche VS, Cao Y, Fonseka CY, Wang G, Muise ES, Zhang KX, Arazi A, Keras G, Li ZJ, Qu Y, Gurish MF, Petri M, Buyon JP, Putterman C, Wofsy D, James JA, Guthridge JM, Diamond B, Anolik JH, Mackey MF, Alves SE, Nigrovic PA, Costenbader KH, Brenner MB, Lederer JA, Rao DA; Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) RA/SLE Network. PD-1hiCXCR5- T peripheral helper cells promote B cell responses in lupus via MAF and IL-21.  JCI Insight. 2019; 4:e130062. 
  229. Gutierrez-Arcelus M, Baglaenko Y, Arora J, Hannes S, Luo Y, Amariuta T, Teslovich N, Rao DA, Ermann J, Jonsson AH; NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium, Navarrete C, Rich SS, Taylor KD, Rotter JI, Gregersen PK, Esko T, Brenner MB, Raychaudhuri S. Allele-specific expression changes dynamically during T cell activation in HLA and other autoimmune loci. Nat Genet. 2020; 52:247-253.
  230. Slowikowski K*, Nguyen HN*, Noss EH, Simmons DP, Mizoguchi F, Watts GFM, Gurish MF, Brenner MB*, Raychaudhuri S*. CUX1 and IκBζ (NFKBIZ) mediate the synergistic inflammatory response to TNF and IL-17A in stromal fibroblasts. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  2020; 117:5532-5541. (*co-first and co-last authors). 
  231. Donado CA, Cao AB, Simmons DP, Croker BA, Brennan PJ, Brenner MB. A Two-Cell Model for IL-1β Release Mediated by Death-Receptor Signaling.  Cell Rep. 2020; 31:107466. 
  232. Kim Y, Sundrud MS, Zhou C, Edenius M, Zocco D, Powers K, Zhang M, Mazitschek R, Rao A, Yeo CY, Noss EH, Brenner MB, Whitman M, Keller TL. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase inhibition activates a pathway that branches from the canonical amino acid response in mammalian cells.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  2020; 117:8900-8911. 
  233. Wei K*, Korsunsky I*, Marshall JL, Gao A, Watts GFM, Major T, Croft AP, Watts J, Blazar PE, Lange JK, Thornhill TS, Filer A, Raza K, Donlin LT; Accelerating Medicines Partnership Rheumatoid Arthritis & Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AMP RA/SLE) Consortium, Siebel CW, Buckley CD, Raychaudhuri S*, Brenner MB* (*co-first and co-last authors). Notch signalling drives synovial fibroblast identity and arthritis pathology. Nature. 2020; 582:259-264.
  234. Kim EY, Ner-Gaon H, Varon J, Cullen AM, Guo J, Choi J, Barragan-Bradford D, Higuera A, Pinilla-Vera M, Short SA, Arciniegas-Rubio A, Tamura T, Leaf DE, Baron RM, Shay T, Brenner MB. Post-sepsis immunosuppression depends on NKT cell regulation of mTOR/IFN-γ in NK cells.  J Clin Invest.  2020; 130:3238-3252. 
  235. Svensson MND, Zoccheddu M, Yang S, Nygaard G, Secchi C, Doody KM, Slowikowski K, Mizoguchi F, Humby F, Hands R, Santelli E, Sacchetti C, Wakabayashi K, Wu DJ, Barback C, Ai R, Wang W, Sims GP, Mydel P, Kasama T, Boyle DL, Galimi F, Vera D, Tremblay ML, Raychaudhuri S, Brenner MB, Firestein GS, Pitzalis C, Ekwall AH, Stanford SM, Bottini N. Synoviocyte-targeted therapy synergizes with TNF inhibition in arthritis reversal.  Sci Adv. 2020; 6:eaba4353. 
  236. ImmGen at 15. Immunological Genome Project.  Nat Immunol. 2020; 21:700-703.
  237. LaMarche NM, Kane H, Kohlgruber AC, Dong H, Lynch L, Brenner MB. Distinct iNKT Cell Populations Use IFNγ or ER Stress-Induced IL-10 to Control Adipose Tissue Homeostasis.  Cell Metab. 2020; 32:243-258. 
  238. Friedrich M, Pohin M, Jackson MA, Korsunsky I, Bullers SJ, Rue-Albrecht K, Christoforidou Z, Sathananthan D, Thomas T, Ravindran R, Tandon R, Peres RS, Sharpe H, Wei K, Watts GFM, Mann EH, Geremia A, Attar M; Oxford IBD Cohort Investigators; Roche Fibroblast Network Consortium, McCuaig S, Thomas L, Collantes E, Uhlig HH, Sansom SN, Easton A, Raychaudhuri S, Travis SP, Powrie FM. IL-1-driven stromal-neutrophil interactions define a subset of patients with inflammatory bowel disease that does not respond to therapies.  Nat Med. 2021; 27:1970-1981. 
  239. Simmons DP, Nguyen HN, Gomez-Rivas E, Jeong Y, Jonsson AH, Chen AF, Lange JK, Dyer GS, Blazar P, Earp BE, Coblyn JS, Massarotti EM, Sparks JA, Todd DJ; Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) RA/SLE Network, Rao DA, Kim EY, Brenner MB. SLAMF7 engagement superactivates macrophages in acute and chronic inflammation.  Sci Immunol. 2022; 7:eabf2846.
  240. Jonsson AH*, Zhang F*, Dunlap G, Gomez-Rivas E, Watts GFM, Faust HJ, Rupani KV, Mears JR, Meednu N, Wang R, Keras G, Coblyn JS, Massarotti EM, Todd DJ, Anolik JH, McDavid A; Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE Network; Wei K, Rao DA, Raychaudhuri S*, Brenner MB* (* co-first and co-last authors). Granzyme K+ CD8 T cells form a core population in inflamed human tissue.  Sci Transl Med. 2022; 14:eabo0686. 
  241. Korsunsky I*, Wei K*, Pohin M*, Kim EY, Barone F, Major T, Taylor E, Ravindran R, Kemble S, Watts GFM, Jonsson AH, Jeong Y, Athar H, Windell D, Kang JB, Friedrich M, Turner J, Nayar S, Fisher BA, Raza K, Marshall JL, Croft AP, Tamura T, Sholl LM, Vivero M, Rosas IO, Bowman SJ, Coles M, Frei AP, Lassen K, Filer A, Powrie F*, Buckley CD*, Brenner MB*, Raychaudhuri S* (*co-first and co-last authors). Cross-tissue, single-cell stromal atlas identifies shared pathological fibroblast phenotypes in four chronic inflammatory diseases.  Med 2022; 3:481-518. 
  242. Carlucci PM, Li J, Fava A, Deonaraine KK, Wofsy D, James JA, Putterman C, Diamond B, Davidson A, Fine DM, Monroy-Trujillo J, Atta MG, DeJager W, Guthridge JM, Haag K, Rao DA, Brenner MB, Lederer JA, Apruzzese W, Belmont HM, Izmirly PM, Zaminski D, Wu M, Connery S, Payan-Schober F, Furie R, Dall'Era M, Cho K, Kamen D, Kalunian K, Anolik J, Barnas J, Ishimori M, Weisman MH; Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) RA/SLE Network; Buyon JP, Petri M. High incidence of proliferative and membranous nephritis in SLE patients with low proteinuria in the Accelerating Medicines Partnership.  Rheumatology 2022; 61:4335-4343. 
  243. Kane H, LaMarche NM, Ní Scannail Á, Garza AE, Koay HF, Azad AI, Kunkemoeller B, Stevens B, Brenner MB, Lynch L. Longitudinal analysis of invariant natural killer T cell activation reveals a cMAF-associated transcriptional state of NKT10 cells.  Elife. 2022; 11:e76586.
  244. Wang R, Singaraju A, Marks KE, Shakib L, Dunlap G, Adejoorin I, Greisen SR, Chen L, Tirpack AK, Aude C, Fein MR, Todd DJ, MacFarlane L, Goodman SM, DiCarlo EF, Massarotti EM, Sparks JA, Jonsson AH, Brenner MB, Postow MA, Chan KK, Bass AR, Donlin LT, Rao DA. Clonally expanded CD38hi cytotoxic CD8 T cells define the T cell infiltrate in checkpoint inhibitor-associated arthritis.  Sci Immunol. 2023; 8:eadd1591.
  245. Zhang F*, Jonsson AH*, Nathan A*, Millard N*, Curtis M, Xiao Q, Gutierrez-Arcelus M, Apruzzese W, Watts GFM, Weisenfeld D, Nayar S, Rangel-Moreno J, Meednu N, Marks KE, Mantel I, Kang JB, Rumker L, Mears J, Slowikowski K, Weinand K, Orange DE, Geraldino-Pardilla L, Deane KD, Tabechian D, Ceponis A, Firestein GS, Maybury M, Sahbudin I, Ben-Artzi A, Mandelin AM 2nd, Nerviani A, Lewis MJ, Rivellese F, Pitzalis C, Hughes LB, Horowitz D, DiCarlo E, Gravallese EM, Boyce BF; Accelerating Medicines Partnership: RA/SLE Network; Moreland LW, Goodman SM, Perlman H, Holers VM, Liao KP, Filer A, Bykerk VP, Wei K*, Rao DA*, Donlin LT*, Anolik JH*, Brenner MB*, Raychaudhuri S*. (* co-first and co-last authors) Deconstruction of rheumatoid arthritis synovium defines inflammatory subtypes.  Nature 2023; 623:616-624. 
  246. Kang JB, Shen AZ, Gurajala S, Nathan A, Rumker L, Aguiar VRC, Valencia C, Lagattuta KA, Zhang F, Jonsson AH, Yazar S, Alquicira-Hernandez J, Khalili H, Ananthakrishnan AN, Jagadeesh K, Dey K; Accelerating Medicines Partnership Program: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AMP RA/SLE) Network; Daly MJ, Xavier RJ, Donlin LT, Anolik JH, Powell JE, Rao DA, Brenner MB, Gutierrez-Arcelus M, Luo Y, Sakaue S, Raychaudhuri S. Mapping the dynamic genetic regulatory architecture of HLA genes at single-cell resolution.  Nat Genet. 2023; 55:2255-2268.
  247. Weisenfeld D, Zhang F, Donlin L, Jonsson AH, Apruzzese W, Campbell D; Accelerating Medicines Partnership Program: RA/SLE Network; Rao DA, Wei K, Holers VM, Gravallese E, Moreland L, Goodman S, Brenner M, Raychaudhuri S, Filer A, Anolik J, Bykerk V, Liao KP.  Associations Between Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Factors and Synovial Cell Types and States. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024; 76:356-362.