Radiology Research Labs

Clare MC Tempany-Afdhal, MD
Vice Chair, Radiology Research

Martin Nkau, MBA
Director, Radiology Research Programs

Kizzy Scott, MBA
Director, Research Finance

The Department of Radiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is dedicated to research in various aspects of diagnostic imaging and related sciences. The Research Division provides resources for the development and application of advanced imaging systems and for the scientific evaluation of imaging technology. In this effort, the scientists work closely with the clinical sections of the Department, as well as with other groups within the Hospital, the Harvard Medical School, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Various research projects are supported by federal and private grants, and there is extensive collaboration with multiple industrial partners.

Advanced Lab for MRI and Acoustics (ALMA)Bruno Madore, PhD
Advances in Pulmonary Functional Imaging ResearchSamuel Patz, PhD
Applied Chest Imaging LaboratoryRaúl San José Estépar, PhD (Research Director), George R. Washko, MD (Clinical Director)
Applied Imaging Science Laboratory (AISL) Michael Steigner, MD
Breast Imaging Research Eva C. Gombos, MD
Bio-Micro DevicesOliver Jonas, PhD
Center for Biomedical Imaging in Oncology (CBIO)Annick Van den Abbeele, MD
Center for Clinical SpectroscopyAlexander Lin, PhD
Center for Evidence-Based Imaging (CEBI)Ramin Khorasani, MD, MPH
Center for Neurological ImagingCharles RG Guttmann, MD
Decision Analysis and Technology AssessmentBarbara J McNeil, MD, PhD
Decision Systems GroupRamin Khorasani, MD, MPH
Focused Ultrasound Laboratory (FUS)Nathan McDannold, PhD (Research Director), Clare Tempany, MD (Clinical Director)
Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging (LMI)Carl-Fredrik Westin, PhD
MAGNUS MRI ScannerCarl-Fredrik Westin, PhD
National Center for Image Guided Therapy (NCIGT)Clare Tempany, MD
Neuromodulation and Tissue Engineering Laboratory Seung-Schik Yoo, PhD
Neuroimaging Analysis Center (NAC)Ron Kikinis, MD, Carl-Fredrik Westin, PhD
Novel MR Imaging MethodsClare Tempany, MD
Nuclear Medicine Physics GroupBenjamin Auer, PhD
Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory (PNL)Martha Shenton, PhD
Surgical Imaging and Mechatronics (SIM) LabJayender Jagadeesan, PhD
Surgical Navigation and Robotics Laboratory (SNR)Nobuhiko Hata, PhD
Surgical Planning Laboratory (SPL)Ron Kikinis, MD
Tokuda LaboratoryJunichi Tokuda, PhD
Trauma Imaging Research and Innovation CenterBharti Khurana, MD
Quantitative Musculoskeletal Imaging Group Research (Q-MIG)Jeffrey Duryea, PhD, Stacy E. Smith, MD (Clinical Director)
Visual Attention LabJeremy Wolfe, PhD

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