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Abdominal Imaging and Intervention News

News Items


Brigham Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Fellow Hailed as a Hero

Dr. Souza received the following email about Francesco Alessandrino, one of our current AII Fellows….

Dr. Souza,

I take great pleasure in writing you about the heroic actions Dr. Francesco Alessandrino displayed on October 3, 2019. Dr. Alessandrino was transiting on an Alaskan Ferry in a remote stretch of Southeast Alaskan islands when a fellow passenger began experiencing right-sided chest pain. Unfortunately, the man who had been recently diagnosed with lung cancer and who was on his way to inspect his home with his wife before leaving the island to start chemotherapy, slumped over and became unresponsive. Dr. Alessandrino quickly and selflessly stepped up to assist with resuscitative efforts. Dr. Alessandrino disembarked the ferry in Tenakee Springs, a small community of only 100 people on Chichagof Island and continued guiding efforts on the patient, John, while his wife and friend looked on. I was the duty flight surgeon on-call and responded to the urgent MEDEVAC request from U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Sitka along with a Flight Corpsman and a Rescue Swimmer. While our helicopter was in flight, the patient was driven in an ambulette with CPR in progress to a remote stretch of beach while the other medical responders from the community were driven in all-terrain vehicles, the beach having been pre-designated as a rough area landing site for such MEDEVACs. Once on scene, I assumed medical control from Dr. Alessandrino and continued resuscitative efforts for a time, but discontinued our efforts after monitoring showed the patient to be non-viable.

In our busy society, it's all too easy to find an excuse not to help our fellow brothers and sisters in their times of greatest need. As an EM/EMS physician, I have little to no expectation that a radiologist would raise their hand as a physician in such a situation especially while on vacation, let alone volunteer to leave the ferry to accompany the patient through his ordeal helping the best he could. What Dr. Alessandrino did was very honorable and truly heroic. It is my humble request that you bring his actions to light and to recognize him within your institution for his selfless and valiant efforts.

Very respectfully,
USCG Air Station Sitka

July 2019 AII Division holds Annual Barbecue
This year’s barbecue was held at Dr. Lee’s home to welcome 9 new Fellows and 4 new faculty.2018 Annual AII BBQ


August 2018 AII Division holds Annual Barbecue
This year’s annual barbecue was held at Dr. Silverman’s home to welcome new faculty, fellows, and physicians assistants to the Division.2018 Annual AII BBQ

March 2018 Dr. Boland leads highly successful SAR meeting
Dr. Giles Boland, Department Chair, as President of the Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR), presided over the Society’s highly successful annual meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. Once again, the meeting included many AII Division members’ lectures and presentations.

2018 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention (AII) Fellow is Recipient of Travel Award in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Alexander Goehler, a current AII fellow, has been selected as recipient of Travel Award by the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research for the 2018 Medical Imaging Technology Showcase in Washington, D.C. During this two-day event, Alex will meet with radiology leaders at the National Institutes of Health and present a poster featuring ongoing research from the Department of Radiology at BWH. As part of this award, Alex will also be granted membership in the Academy Council of Early Career Investigators in Imaging.

February 2018 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Division initiates new Interventional Radiology simulation training for Fellows
Dr Julia Seol is leading a new element to interventional radiology training at the Brigham. Using the facilities at the Brigham’s STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation, abdominal radiology Fellows’ curriculum now includes a hands-on simulation session on US-guided procedures using both standard and customized phantoms. Plans are underway to extend the Program to the Brigham radiology residents.
New IR Simulation Training for Fellows


December 2017 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Division completes the Department’s 2000th ablation procedure
Percutaneous tumor ablations are a major clinical initiative of the Department’s Image-Guided Therapy Program. The AII Division has been leading this effort and has performed most of the procedures to date. A wide variety of ablative agents and imaging modalities are selected based on what is best for each patient. Additional details are provided elsewhere in this website.

November 2017 BWH Celebrates Steven Seltzer’s Bornstein Amphitheatre Portrait Unveiling
Department Chair Emeritus and past Abdominal Division Director, Steven E Seltzer, was honored and his portrait unveiled on Friday November 17. The portrait, shown here with Steven and his wife, Rochelle, will be displayed along with many Brigham luminaries in the Bornstein Amphitheatre.
Dr. Seltzer and Mrs. Seltzer with Dr. Seltzer's portlait

AII Division holds Annual Barbecue
This year’s annual barbecue was held at Dr. Mayo-Smith’s home to welcome new faculty, fellows, and physicians assistants to the Division.
2017 BBQ

June 2017 Dr. Leslie Lee is this year's recipient of The Annual George Marina Memorial Award for Resident Teaching
Dr. Lee became the 6th member in the AII Division's history to receive the 'teacher of the year' award from BWH Radiology residents. Past recipients include Drs. Shyn, Sadow, Mortele, Silverman, and Seltzer.
2017 Annual Teaching Award
Abdominal Imaging and Intervention faculty, Dr Leslie Lee, receives the annual teaching award from residents, Oren Johnson (left) and Gregory Bonci (right)

April 2017 Dr. Tempany becomes the first incumbent of the Ferenc A. Jolesz MD, Professorship at Harvard Medical School
Dr. Clare Tempany-Afdhal MB BCh became the first incumbent of the newly created Ferenc Jolesz, MD professorship at Harvard Medical School created in February 2017. The Professorship honors Ferenc A. Jolesz (1946-2014), the B. Leonard Holman professor of Radiology at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, a visionary scientist who established the National Center for Image Guided Therapy, funded by NIH, in 2005. A pioneer in the field of image guided therapy- and often called the “father of IGT’, Ferenc was born in Budapest Hungary, graduated medical school at Semmelweiss in 1971 and completed fellowships in neurology and physiology at MGH and Harvard. He led the division of MRI in the department of Radiology from 1990-2014. He was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 1995; he received an Outstanding Researcher Award from the RSNA and a Gold Medal from the ISMRM for his contributions to radiology research among many other awards. Dr. Tempany, a longstanding member of the AII Division, is the Department’s Vice-Chair of Research and a world renowned expert in MRI, and imaging and intervention of both prostate cancer and gynecologic disease.

March 2017 Dr. Mayo-Smith leads highly successful SAR meeting
Dr. Bill Mayo-Smith, Department Vice Chair of Education, and current President of the Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR), presided over this year’s scientific and educational meeting in Hollywood, Florida. The meeting was outstandingly well presented and was highlighted by many AII Division members’ lectures and presentations. Brigham Radiology’s Abdominal Division is fortunate to be well-represented on the SAR Board. Dr Giles Boland, Department Chair, will become the SAR president for 2017-2018 and will be presiding over next year’s meeting in Scottsdale Arizona.

March 2017 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Division bids farewell to Dr V. Anik Sahni
Dr Anik Sahni left Brigham Radiology at the end of March. After completing a fellowship with us in Abdominal Imaging and Intervention in 2008, Anik has been an outstanding faculty member of the Division. In addition to being an excellent clinician, Anik played key administrative roles in both the Division as Associate Director and Director of Abdominal MRI, and the Department, serving as a Quality and Patient Safety Officer. Anik was a productive member of the Division both clinically and academically. The Division will miss Anik but wishes him all the best in his future endeavors.


August 2016 Department Chair Giles W. Boland, MD commences work
Giles Boland, MD, an internationally known abdominal radiologist, and former vice chair of Business Development, Abdominal Imaging and Interventional Radiology, and physician director of Network Development and Referral Management in Radiology at MGH is the new Brigham Radiology Department Chair. Dr. Boland also joins the faculty in the Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Division. Dr Boland is Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and is known for his work in abdominal radiology, primarily oncology-based, with interests in the liver and pancreas, and particularly the adrenal gland.

August 2016 Dr Sreeharsha Tirumani earns RSNA honor
Sreeharsha Tirumani, MBBS, MD has earned the prestigious RSNA Honored Educator Award in 2016. This achievement recognizes an individual’s dedication to furthering the profession of radiology and commitment to radiology education by delivering high-quality educational content for RSNA endeavors. Established in 2011, the Honored Educator Award recognizes RSNA members who have produced an array of RSNA educational resources in the past calendar year. Based on the number of qualifying activities, eligible RSNA members are presented with the Honored Educator award in recognition of their contribution.

July 2016 Department Celebrates Steven Seltzer’s Transition
On July 14, 2016, The Department celebrated Steven Seltzer’s transition from Department Chair to a career of radiology teaching, mentorship, and advocacy both at the Brigham and nationally. Several speeches were delivered from members of the hospital and Department. As Steven is a longstanding member of the AII Division, and former Director, it was particularly fitting that three members of the Division, Drs. Khorasani, Tempany, and Silverman each delivered short commemorative speeches. Transcripts of some of the remarks are attached.

Stuart G. Silverman, MD, tribute to Steven E. Seltzer, MD

Ramin Khorasani, MD, tribute to Steven E. Seltzer, MD

June 2016 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention (AII) Division bids farewell to Drs. Braver and Tatli
The AII section hosted two major events celebrating the Brigham radiology careers of Drs. Braver and Tatli. After nearly 40 years at the Brigham, John Braver is retiring. After 12 years as faculty, Servet Tatli is moving to New Jersey for family reasons. The attached are verbatim transcripts of the addresses delivered at the Departmental farewell event.

Tribute to John Braver, MD

Tribute to Servet Tatli, MD

Tribute to Steven Seltzer, MD

2016 Farewell to Drs. Braver and Tatli

Dinner honoring Dr. Tatli and Dr. Braver

June 2016 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention (AII) Division adds 5 new faculty to the roster
AII expansion to the Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital and overall growth has led to adding several new faculty. Drs. Daniel Glazer, Leslie Lee, Daniel Souza, and Sree Tirumani joined the group in July. Dr Julia Seol will join the faculty in November 2016. Dr Glazer just completed a two-year fellowship in AII including the NIH sponsored Image-Guided Therapy fellowship. Dr Lee completed fellowships in AII and nuclear medicine at MGH. Dr Souza, a former AII Fellow, had been working exclusively at BWFH. Dr Tirumani completed a fellowship in oncoradiology at DFCI. Dr Seol, a former BWH resident, completed a fellowship in IR at Northwestern.


December 2015 Drs. Shyn and Tuncali conduct 999th and 1000th procedure in AMIGO
The AII section continues to contribute the Department’s Image-Guided Therapy Program. In fact, Section has led the effort in using MRI and PET/CT to guided both biopsies and tumor ablations throughout the abdomen and pelvis.

December 2015 Dr. Shyn and CSIR team highlighted in Boston Herald Story (12/21/15) that describes the PET/CT guided ablation of liver tumors in a patient
Family hopes new technology is "the holy grail" to beat cancer


2014 AII Division and CEBI collaborate on improving reports at RSNA 2014
RSNA News’ highlighted the work of Dr Anik Sahni and other Division members is leveraging IT to improve radiology reports and communication. The work was presented at RSNA 2014.

2014 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Division contributes to Harvard Medical School’s Review of Department.
Read excerpts from the Division’s contribution to the Review.

2014 Dr William Mayo-Smith joins the faculty to become inaugural Education Vice-Chair
The Department is eagerly anticipating the arrival of Dr William Mayo-Smith, the new (and inaugural)Vice-Chair for Education. Dr Mayo-Smith will join the faculty in Abdominal Imaging and Intervention in September this year.

2014 Dr Ruth Dunne, former Fellow in Abdominal Imaging and Intervention joins faculty
Dr. Ruth Dunne was added to the AII faculty in July. Dr Dunne will be spending half her clinical time in the Thoracic Radiology Section.


2013 Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Faculty lauded for Resident Teaching
Four of the Division's faculty (Drs. Oliva, Sadow, Sahni, and Silverman) were commended for receiving 'very high positive evaluations' from the residents this past year. This achievement builds on the Division's outstanding record of education. Indeed, other faculty have received this distinction in recent years. The Section's educational offerings including a daily 30-60 min conference (often beginning at 730A now), dedicated Seminars and lectures, journal clubs, work rounds, uniquely designed 'selective' rotations', active participation in several multidisciplinary conferences, and a highly functional Division intranet all contribute substantially to both resident and fellow education in abdominal imaging and interventional radiology.

2013 - In addition to Drs. Ron Kikinis, Sam Patz, Stephen Moore, and Marie Kijewski, our very own, Dr. Clare Tempany was elected as a Distinguished Investigator by the Academy of Radiology Research, joining Dr. Ferenc Jolesz, who was elected last year.

2013 - Dr Silverman in his role as inaugural President of the Society of Abdominal Radiology hosted current and former BWH Abdominal Imaging and Intervention trainees at the annual meeting in Maui, HI.
2013 Inaugural President of the Society of Abdominal Radiology

2013 AII Fellows' reunion at Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR) Annual Meeting
More than 35 of Dr Silverman's former fellows, residents (along with their families) gathered in his Presidential Suite in Maui, Hawaii at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Abdominal Radiology. Dr Silverman presided over the inaugural meeting of the SAR after completing the merger of the former Society of Gastrointestinal Radiologists and the Society of Uroradiology. The meeting which included Scientific sessions and an Abdominal Radiology Course was attended by almost 700 radiologists.

2013 Ramin Khorasani named first incumbent of newly established Brigham and Women's Hospital Medical Imaging Information Technology (MIIT) Chair.
Drs. Betsy Nable (BWH President). Steven Seltzer (Department Chair) and Stuart Silverman (Section Director) were part of the ceremony to name Dr Ramin Khorasani, former resident, fellow, and now AII staff as the first incumbent of the MIIT Chair. Dr Khorasani is Vice Chair of Quality Improvement and Director of MIIT and the Center of Evidence Based Imaging, a large and highly successful program that evaluates how best to utilize imaging in medicine. Such a Chair assures that this important position at BWH will live on in perpetuity.

2013 Asian Society of Abdominal Radiology (ASAR) honors Dr Silverman
At the Asian Congress of Abdominal Radiology held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in March, 2013. Dr Silverman delivered a keynote lecture on the management of renal masses and was named an Honorary Fellow of the ASAR.

2013 BWH Radiology honors Paul Morrison with a Plaque to be displayed in AMIGO
Paul Morrison, Medical Physicist and Research assistant to the Section passed away September 24, 2012. He was honored with a special ceremony on March 28, 2013. Paul worked with Dr Silverman and other members of the Section for more than 20 years in the development and implementation of the Tumor Ablation Program, a sub-service of CSIR that performs percutaneous ablations of tumors throughout the body. The TAP has performed over 1200 ablations and has aided in the successful treatment of a variety of cancers throughout the body. Paul, a medical physicist helped publish numerous manuscripts on ablation using a variety of agents, and virtually founded a new field of 'ablation physics'. He was such an integral part of both the AII Section's work and the Image-Guided Therapy Program that a plaque honoring him now is displayed outside of AMIGO.

2013 BWH bestows Dr Tempany an inaugural BWH Faculty Development and Diversity Award.
This new award program was established to acknowledge BWH faculty and identify members of the BWH community for achievement in one, or more, of the four pillars of academic life: clinical care, research, education and community service. Dr Tempany's award was for research leadership and points to her outstanding performance as Vice Chair of Research for the Department as well as her vital contributions to the Section.


2012 Paul Shyn named Medical Director of CSIR
As part of the continuing growth of the Section's burgeoning IR service, Paul Shyn was appointed Medical Director of the Department's CSIR Service. He will work with Stu Hooton, Technical Director of CSIR and improve operations and grow the service.

July 2012 - Dr. Paul Shyn is this year's recipient of The Annual George Marina Memorial Award for Resident Teaching
Dr Shyn became the 5th member in the AII section's history to receive the 'teacher of the year' award from BWH Radiology residents.
Past recipients include Drs. Sadow, Mortele, Silverman, and Seltzer.

July 2012 - Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Section launches new SharePoint site for Faculty and Trainees - Dr Nisha Sainani to oversee
SharePoint will now house all staff and trainee policy manuals, and other information that trainees need during their daily practice. The Site, limited to BWH AII Staff and Trainees, also contains up to date references in all areas of abdominal radiology.

July 2012 - Dr Tatli reorganizes AII Section's dedicated seminar series
A new 'AII Wednesday Seminar Series on Intervention' will be instituted every other Wednesday morning. The 'AII Thursday Seminar Series on Imaging' (formerly 'AII Seminar Series') will continue every Thursday morning and focus on imaging. This year new topics will be introduced.

June 2012 - CSIR acquires new Interventional US system with 3D image fusion and needle tracking capability

July 2012 - All Abdominal Imaging and Intervention faculty now ABR certified


August 11, 2011 - Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Section passes the 1000 Ablation procedure milestone
The Section continues to be one of the most active sections in the country performing percutaneous ablations. All guidance modalities, including MRI and PET/CT are to used to guide ablations using a variety of ablation devices (RFA, cryoablation, microwave, laser, and alcohol). The Section is one of the most active researchers involved in the AMIGO (Advanced Multimodality Image-Guided Operating room) suite that houses all guidance modalities in an integrated environment. More information can be found at Tumor Ablation Program.

July 2011 - Dr. V. Anik Sahni named Associate Director of Section and Director of Abdominal MRI

July 2011 - Dr. Servet Tatli named new Director of Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Fellowship

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