Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy has revolutionized the way we treat many cancers including tumors involving the lung, pancreas, liver, spine, and head and neck region. SBRT can increase the chances of eradicating the tumor and minimize the risk of side effects from treatment.
SBRT treatments are available at Brigham and Women's Hospital's main campus, at Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center at South Shore Health and at Brigham and Women's Sturdy Memorial Radiation Oncology Center.
Our team is constantly exploring innovative uses of advanced technologies to achieve improved patient outcomes. Here are three of the innovative protocols we are currently investigating with SBRT:
Combining Immunotherapy with SBRT
Lead physician: Jonathan Schoenfeld, MD, MPH
Experiments suggest that radiation may stimulate the immune system and help immune therapies work better to kill cancers throughout the body in both the areas that have received radiation and in other areas as well. This ongoing research is testing whether using SBRT to kill cancer cells can produce a vaccine-like effect and improve the likelihood of response as compared with immunotherapy alone.
Using SBRT to Treat Cancer that has Spread to the Bone
Lead physician: Tracy Balboni, MD, MPH
Cancers frequently involve the bone, where it can cause symptoms such as pain or fractures, or induce weakness by affecting nearby nerve structures. SBRT can treat bone tumors in a manner that is both dose intense to optimize tumor ablation and prevent recurrence, while being highly focused to avoid nearby normal tissues. This ongoing research is examining the efficacy of SBRT to treat tumors that have spread to bone, including outcomes of bone tumor control, patient symptoms and quality of life.
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