Managing Weight the Mediterranean Way

The Mediterranean diet, with its abundance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (lentils, dried peas and beans), nuts, olive oil and fish, has been linked to numerous health benefits - including weight management. Unlike some other restrictive dieting approaches, it encourages inclusion rather than exclusion. In addition, it can be quite tasty and satisfying.

Research from Harvard found that individuals who followed a Mediterranean style of eating not only lost more weight but also were more successful at keeping it off. The Mediterranean way goes beyond selections and portions chosen and also hinges on the attitude associated with this eating pattern. Cultures adopting the Mediterranean approach generally care deeply about their food - they pay attention and are more mindful about what they are eating. By and large, the opposite is true in this country. We often don't think about our selections and are more inclined to wolf down amounts. This deprives us of enjoying taste and satisfaction and can result in seeking more and more intake than is needed.

So to enjoy a healthful diet, feel good about eating and manage weight, try adopting a Mediterranean eating pattern. For further guidance, click the links below:

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