Until further notice, our practice will be primarily seeing the following new patient conditions:
- Lower urinary tract symptoms in women
- Urinary Incontinence
- Overactive bladder
- Difficulty with urination/retention
- Failed previous surgery for incontinence
- Genital fistula and urethral diverticulum
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Uterine and vaginal prolapse
- Rectocele/cystocele/enterocele
- Failed previous surgery for prolapse
- Evaluation for possibility of vaginal hysterectomy
- Minimally invasive surgery for prolapse or incontinence
A few situations best referred to other specialists:
- Rectal prolapse (colorectal surgery)
- Bladder dysfunction in spinal-cord injured patients/para/quadriplegia (urology)
- Pelvic Pain not localized to bladder or urethra (general gyn)
- Recurrent vaginal and urinary tract infections (general gyn)
- We are consultants and make recommendations to the patient and PCPs
- When patients are symptomatic, the PCP should order a UA and culture and treat accordingly
- If the PCP is uncomfortable treating UTIs, they can either send us the results or a message and we will be more than happy to guide them with the best antibiotic choices
- Sometimes, we also have to consult with urology and infectious diseases (ID)
- Interstitial cystitis
- Anal incontinence