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The Brigham and Women’s Brain Tumor Service specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects the brain and other parts of the body. It affects about one in every 36,000 people in the U.S.
Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome is caused by a flaw in one gene, the VHL gene, which regulates cell growth. This flaw, for which the cause is unknown, leads to the abnormal growth of blood vessels in certain parts of the body. Instead of growing and spreading out normally (like a tree), in patients with VHL, the blood vessels grow into clumps. The disease is also characterized by an increased risk of developing the following types of tumors:
VHL may also impact the pancreas, inner ear, and reproductive organs (in men and women).
Detection of the type of tumors specific to VHL is critical to properly diagnosing the disease. For individuals who have a family history of VHL, detection of only one type of tumor specific to VHL may be sufficient to make a diagnosis. For those patients without a family history of the disease, at least two types of VHL tumors should be identified to confirm a diagnosis. Genetic testing also may helpful in diagnosing the disease.
Although there is no cure for VHL, the associated tumors can be treated. Early detection and treatment of tumors significantly improves a patient’s diagnosis. Left untreated, VHL may result in blindness, permanent brain damage, or death. Depending on the location of the tumors, our neurosurgical specialists may also collaborate with urologists, ophthalmologists, endocrinologists, and other physicians.
Microsurgical treatment of hemangioblastomas of the CNS is often ineffective, as the tumors tend to recur after surgery. Stereotactic radiotherapy, a safe, non-invasive method for shrinking tumors, may present a better alternative. It has been shown that small- and medium-sized tumors don’t tend to re-grow after this type of treatment.
Hemangioblastomas of the retina are typically treated with a laser.
Depending on the extent of the disease, renal cell carcinoma may either be treated with nephron-sparing surgery (removing the tumor while sparing the unaffected portion of the kidney) or a radical nephrectomy (removal of the whole kidney).
For more information regarding Von Hippel-Lindau Disease, visit:
If you have any questions about Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome, or if you'd like to request a consultation with one of our neurosurgeons, please contact us at (617) 732-6600
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