South Shore Hospital Neurology Services

The Brigham and Women’s Hospital/South Shore Hospital, Department of Neurology treats a variety of neurological conditions including:

Movement Disorders: Evaluation and treatment of movement disorders including EMG directed botulinum toxin injections and evaluation for procedures such as deep brain stimulation (surgery performed at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and programming performed at the South Shore Hospital).

Stroke: Evaluation and treatment of acute stroke and evaluation and treatment of patients with cerebrovascular disease as well as ongoing care of patients who have suffered a stroke. Appropriate referral to Brigham and Women’s Hospital for intra-arterial tPA and vascular and endovascular procedures.

Epilepsy: Evaluation and treatment of patients with epilepsy including evaluation of patients for epilepsy surgery (performed at Brigham and Women’s Hospital). Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) programming services at South Shore Hospital. The service also provides access to ambulatory EEG and inpatient long term monitoring with EEG and video for appropriate patients.

Sleep Neurology: Evaluation of patients with sleep disorders provided in lab sleep studies and, now, home studies. The sleep clinic evaluates and treats complex sleep disorders and will have on site access to durable equipment fitting and can obtain equipment on site.

Neuromuscular/EMG: Evaluation and treatment of neuromuscular disease including EMG services. Infusion service is available for appropriate patients. All physicians providing EMG services are boarded in electrodiagnostic medicine.

General Neurology: Providing service to the community for the entire range of neurologic disease with referral to subspecialty services as appropriate.

Multiple Sclerosis: Providing the same quality of care as the MS Center at the BWH Main Campus, the MS Center at South Shore Hospital aims to bring easier access to MS care to the South Shore. Our providers work with a team of medical assistants, pharmacy staff, physical, cognitive, and occupational therapists, ophthalmologists, urologists, and gynecologists to perform MRIs, lab services, and other tests.

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