Alzheimer's Center

Find contact and location informationTo schedule an appointment, call: 617-732-8060

The Alzheimer Center

Alzheimer’s disease strips away our most human qualities – memory, personality, reasoning and language – eventually preventing the ability of patients to perform the simplest every day activities. In the United States alone, more than five million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and this number is projected to grow to seven million by 2025.

Over the past three decades, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) have made groundbreaking discoveries about how and why Alzheimer’s develops. The BWH Alzheimer Center unites our programs in laboratory research (led by Dr. Dennis Selkoe), clinical trials (led by Dr. Reisa Sperling) and patient care (led by Dr. Kirk Daffner) to advance the prevention and treatment of this devastating disease.

Education and Treatment

Clinical Trials

Laboratory Research

Support Our Work

Without the support of our generous donors, our ability to care for patients, find new treatments, and educate the next generation of physicians and researchers would not be possible. Philanthropic support helps to grow and sustain important clinical programs, supports key investments in research and teaching, and helps to provide patients with the care they need locally, nationally, and even internationally.

Give Now

If you have questions about making a gift to the Alzheimer Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital, please contact Sally Mooney, Assistant Vice President of Development, at (617) 424-4210 or

The Brain Donation Hub

With the generosity of donors and their families, the Brain Donation Hub supports our talented neuroscientists by providing access to essential research tools, particularly brain tissue. This invaluable resource enables research into underlying brain mechanisms and fuels breakthroughs in detection, treatment, prevention, and cures.

Learn about brain donation

Learn more about Brigham and Women's Hospital

For over a century, a leader in patient care, medical education and research, with expertise in virtually every specialty of medicine and surgery.

About BWH