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Brigham and Women's Hospital is open and seeing patients. All scheduled appointments and procedures will happen as planned on Monday, July 22.

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Division of Global Health Equity

About the Division of Global Health Equity

The Division of Global Health Equity (DGHE) is dedicated to addressing health disparities through training, education, research and service. Using insights from anthropology, history, sociology, epidemiology, statistics, economics, and other social sciences, the Division improves medical care in the world's poorest areas.

The DGHE reduces inequities in disease burden to improve treatment outcomes both in the US and around the world. The Division focuses on infectious diseases (e.g., HIV and tuberculosis) as well as non-infectious diseases (e.g., coronary artery disease, diabetes, addiction) and other health problems of critical importance to society.

In the United States, racial and economic disparities result in significant public health problems. Around the world, infectious disease remains a leading cause of premature death, health disparities are even greater. Diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, which are treated with overwhelming success in affluent settings, are too often a death sentence for the poor. The ramifications of inadequate health care are significant. The human cost is staggering. The burden of illness on the poor and disenfranchised exacerbates poverty, condemns too many futures of poor health and suffering. Countries with a high disease burden face lost productivity, missed educational opportunities, and high health care costs. DGHE is committed to improving the lives of those living in poverty and facing inequities globally.

Read more about the work of DGHE: 2018 DGHE Annual Report.

Learn more about global health at BWH: Global Health Hub.

About the Division of Global Health Equity Video

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