An ERCP is a procedure that combines the use of a flexible, lighted scope (endoscope) with X-ray pictures to examine the tubes that drain the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. The endoscope is inserted through the mouth and gently moved down the throat into the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (part of the small intestine) until it reaches the point where the ducts from the pancreas (pancreatic ducts) and gallbladder (bile ducts) drain into the duodenum.
ERCP can treat certain problems identified during the procedure. If an abnormal growth is seen, an instrument can be inserted through the endoscope to obtain a sample of the tissue for further testing (biopsy). If a gallstone is present in the common bile duct, the doctor can sometimes remove the stone with instruments inserted through the endoscope. A narrowed bile duct can be opened by inserting a small wire-mesh or plastic tube (called a stent) through the endoscope and into the duct.
ERCP is used for: (a) gallstones that are trapped in the main bile duct, (b) blockage of the bile duct, (c) jaundice, which turns the skin yellow and the urine dark, (d) cancer of the bile ducts or pancreas, e) pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and (f) various other pancreato-hepatobiliary conditions that your referring doctor may recommend.
After you schedule your appointment with us, you will be mailed complete instructions on how to prepare for your ERCP procedure.
Here’s a synopsis of the key things that you should do to prepare:
After you check in, one of our nurses will meet with you to review your medical conditions and medications. An IV line will be placed in a vein in your arm. You will proceed to the procedure room, where your blood pressure, pulse and oxygen level will be carefully monitored. A sedative also will be administered through your IV, which will make you feel drowsy. The back of your throat may then be sprayed with a local anesthetic to minimize discomfort as the endoscope is passed down your throat into your esophagus (the swallowing tube), and through the stomach into your duodenum (part of small intestine). The contrast material (dye) will be used to identify your biliary tree and possibly a pancreatic duct.
The test itself usually takes less than an hour. After the test, you will rest until the effects of the medicine wear off.
You will not be able to drive following the procedure, so plan on having someone with you to take you home. Before leaving, our staff will speak with you about the preliminary results of your test and will let you know when you can go back to eating your regular diet.
To request an appointment or more information about the procedure, please contact us at (617) 732-7426.
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