Robotic Hysterectomy Overview


A hysterectomy is a gynecological surgery to remove a woman's uterus. Physicians may recommend a hysterectomy when a woman has been diagnosed with any of several gynecological cancers but also for more benign gynecological conditions such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis. For some patients, a robotic hysterectomy may be recommended. This minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure uses robotic technology and miniature instruments that enable the surgeons to perform complex surgical tasks through very small incisions. Many operations that were previously considered too risky or too complex to be performed with minimally invasive technique can now be safely performed laparoscopically with the assistance of surgical robots.

Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) is a world leader in using state-of-the-art robotics to improve hysterectomy outcomes.

Surgeons at BWH perform different types of robotic hysterectomies, depending on the kind and extent of uterine pathology:

  • Supracervical robotic hysterectomy, which involves removal of the largest part of the uterus but spares the uterine cervix, only performed for benign uterine conditions in select patients
  • Total robotic hysterectomy, which involves removal of the uterus and cervix, is often done for endometrial cancer treatment as well as for other benign gynecologic conditions
  • Total robotic hysterectomy along with oophorectomy, which is the removal of one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes, may be performed to treat ovarian cancer as well as other benign gynecologic conditions.
  • Radical robotic hysterectomy, which removes the uterus and cervix, part of the vagina, and a wide area of ligaments and tissues near those organs, may be required for cervical cancer treatment

For women considering robotic hysterectomy for benign gynecologic conditions, the Center for Infertility and Reproductive Surgery and the Center for Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery offer world renown expert surgical teams.

Learn more about robotic hysterectomy at BWH.

BWH: A national leader in robotic hysterectomy.

For over 180 years, BWH has provided women with innovative health care, advancing medical technology and techniques to help women live longer and healthier lives. Ranked by U.S. News & World Report as #1 in obstetrics and gynecology in the country, BWH is a world leader in robotic reproductive surgery.

Doctors at BWH have been using robotics since 2006, performing more than 1,000 robot-assisted surgeries. In addition to robotic hysterectomy, BWH surgeons perform robotic myomectomy, robotic reversal of tubal sterilization, and other delicate robotic reproductive surgeries.

The robotic hysterectomy procedure.

BWH surgeons use the state-of-the-art dual console da Vinci® Si Surgical System for robotic hysterectomy procedures. The surgeons guide four robotic arms with miniature surgical tools while seated at one or two surgical consoles set just at a short distance from the patient. The surgeons can view the surgical area with a full HD 3-D camera that offers magnification, depth of field and a panoramic view. The robotic technology enables optimal precision, with smooth and steady motion. With this technology, surgeons can perform minimally invasive hysterectomy surgery that reduces pain and allows for a faster recovery with less likelihood of complications.

In addition to hysterectomy procedures, robotic gynecologic surgeons at BWH routinely perform robotic myomectomy, tubal reanastomosis, and other complex gynecologic operations aimed at fertility preservation.

Learn more about Robotic Hysterectomy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

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