Weight Management Education and Training Opportunities

At Brigham and Women's Hospital, we are committed to teaching and training the next generation of weight loss medical professionals. To learn more about our education and training opportunities, please see the information below.

Surgical Weight Loss Education and Training

At Brigham and Women's Hospital, we are dedicated to providing surgical education opportunities for established physicians and surgeons as well as the education and training of residents and fellows. Find more information for surgical clinicians in training.

Endoscopic Weight Loss Education and Training

Bariatric Endoscopy Fellowship

We offer a formal one-year clinical fellowship in bariatric endoscopy. Eligible applicants should have graduated accredited gastroenterology fellowship or surgical residency and have extensive endoscopic experience. Formal training in EUS and/or ERCP is not required. This fellowship includes obesity medicine training with extensive experience in pharmacotherapy and lifestyle management programs. The clinic is multidisciplinary and co-located with dietitians, psychologists and surgical colleagues, fostering continuous interaction and streamline patient care.

Fellows will gain direct hands-on experience on all available bariatric endoscopic procedures and develop expertise in pre- and post-procedural management. There are also several multidisciplinary meetings and conferences every month, and fellows are expected to actively participate. There are also opportunities for clinical and translational research over the course of the year.

The application process includes an online application and an on-site interview. This is not part of the ASGE advanced endoscopy fellowship match. Fellows who are interested in the bariatric endoscopy fellowship are encouraged to submit the application which includes

  • Online application form
  • CV
  • Two letters of recommendation

The application is due on March 1 to start on July 1 the following year. Externship experience may be available on a case-by-case basis. For any questions, please email Dr. Pichamol Jirapinyo at pjirapinyo@bwh.harvard.edu.

Former Bariatric Endoscopy Fellows

As the oldest bariatric endoscopy fellowship program, many of our fellows have gone on to become Directors of Bariatric Endoscopy at major institutions nationally and internationally.

Phase 1: Bariatric endoscopic training acquired during advanced endoscopy fellowship

Dan Mullady, MD
Director of Endoscopy, Washington University at St. Louis

Rabindra Watson, MD
Director of Bariatric Endoscopy, CPMC Medical Center

Marvin Ryou, MD
Director of Endoscopic Innovation, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Michael Larson, MD
Virginia Mason Medical Center

Kevin Woods, MD
President, The Georgia Gastroenterologic and Endoscopic Society

Phase 2: Pilot bariatric endoscopy fellowship

Barham Abu Dayyeh, MD, MPH
Director of Metabolic and Bariatric Endoscopy, Director of Advanced Endoscopy, Mayo Clinic

Inbar Spofford, MD
Dartmouth Hospital

Nitin Kumar, MD
Director, Bariatric Endoscopy Institute, Chicago, IL

Phase 3: Multidisciplinary bariatric endoscopy fellowship (current structure)

Nitin Kumar, MD
Director, Bariatric Endoscopy Institute, Chicago, IL

Wasif Abidi, MD, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine

Allison Schulman, MD, MPH
Director of Bariatric Endoscopy, University of Michigan

Andrew Storm, MD
Mayo Clinic

Mustafa Huseini, MD
Henry Ford Hospital

Austin Chiang, MD, MPH
Director of Bariatric Endoscopy, Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

Pichamol Jirapinyo, MD, MPH
Associate Director of Bariatric Endoscopy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Matthew Skinner, MD
Scripps Health, San Diego, CA

Amit Sachdev, MD
White House Fellow, Washington, MD

Ahmad Bazarbashi, MD
Current Bariatric Endoscopy Fellow

Kelly Hathorn, MD
Current Bariatric Endoscopy Fellow

Obesity Medicine Fellowship

We offer a formal one-year clinical fellowship in obesity medicine. Eligible applicants should have graduated accredited internal medicine or family medicine residency. This fellowship includes obesity medicine training with extensive experience in pharmacotherapy and lifestyle management programs. The clinic is multidisciplinary and co-located with dietitians, psychologists and surgical colleagues, fostering continuous interaction and streamline patient care.

Fellows will gain direct experience on all medical treatment options for patients with obesity. There are also several multidisciplinary meetings and conferences every month, and fellows are expected to actively participate. There are also opportunities for clinical and translational research over the course of the year.

Applications for the fellowship program should be submitted through the Obesity Medicine Fellowship Council.

The application is due on November 1 to start on July 1 the following year. For any questions, please email Dr. Dong Wook Kim, Program Director, at dkim73@bwh.harvard.edu or James McCarthy, Program Coordinator, at jmccarthy54@bwh.harvard.edu.

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For over a century, a leader in patient care, medical education and research, with expertise in virtually every specialty of medicine and surgery.

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