Elizabeth B. Claus, MD, PhD
Elizabeth B. Claus, MD, PhD, of the Department of Neurosurgery, received an approximately thirteen-million-dollar grant from the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) as part of an initiative called “Patient Engagement and Cancer Genome Sequencing (PECGS) Centers.” Her project, “OPTimIzing engageMent in discovery of molecular evolution of low-grade glioma,” also known as OPTIMUM, will study lower grade gliomas (LGG), a malignant tumor of the brain generally diagnosed in young to middle-aged adults.
The overall goal of the study is to better understand how LGG tumors evolve over time and respond to treatment. Claus and her colleagues, including researchers from Yale University, The Jackson Laboratory, The University of Colorado and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center will work with patient researchers and advocates to engage and enroll 500 participants diagnosed with LGG and who have had two or more surgeries for their glioma.
The team will establish a comprehensive genomic characterization of the tumors across time. The project will enroll participants from across the United States using both social media as well as direct enrollment at Brigham and Women's Hospital. For further information or to enroll please visit https://rally.massgeneralbrigham.org/study/glioma or https://lggregistry.wixsite.com/study.
The National Cancer Institute leads, conducts and supports cancer research across the nation to advance scientific knowledge and help all people live longer, healthier lives.