In October 2011, a team of more than 40 surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, residents, radiologists and physician assistants worked for more than 12 hours to perform a bilateral hand transplant for Richard Mangino, 65, of Revere. Mangino, a quadruple amputee, lost his arms below the elbows and legs below the knees after contracting sepsis in 2002.
The transplant involved multiple tissues including skin, tendons, muscles, ligaments, bones and blood vessels on both the left and right forearms and hands.
In August 2010, BWH announced the development of a hand transplant program. The BWH team performed its first bilateral hand transplant in May 2011.
Consent for the donation of the hands was obtained by New England Organ Bank staff after conversations with the donor family. Registering as an organ and tissue donor on a driver’s license is not accepted as consent for this type of donation; family consent is required.
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Richard Mangino, Bilateral Hand Transplant Recipient video.