Find a Provider: LGBT-attentive Physician Directory

In our updated Physician Directory, patients can efficiently search the Brigham online Physician Directory (Find a Doctor) for physicians who have expressed a clinical interest in LGBT Health (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Health). We have identified a list of providers who are dedicated to ensuring that the unique and specific health needs of LGBT patients are met with compassion and expertise.

Physicians listed span across Primary Care and specializations such as Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infectious Disease, Emergency Medicine, Urology and Endocrinology. Each of the listed physicians has indicated competency in LGBT health, meaning that they:

  • Regularly care for LGBT patients
  • Are knowledgeable about the distinct health needs of the LGBT community
  • Have completed training associated with LGBT Health

While the health issues of LGBT patients are largely the same as those that affect the general population, there are health concerns that are unique to the LGBT community and that create inequalities in care when these patients cannot identify knowledgeable physicians. In an effort to reduce the disparities faced by many in the LGBT community and to create a welcoming environment for all LGBT patients, we have identified these physicians and included their information in the Physician Directory on our website. This is imperative to our goal of providing each patient with access to providers who are attentive and caring in treating their patient's health concerns, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Visit LGBT Health on the Brigham Physician Directory

Providers who are interested in adding "LGBT Health" as a clinical interest to their Physician Directory profiles should visit Resource for Providers.


Brigham and Women's Hospital's OutList is a comprehensive, publicized list of members across the Brigham who openly identify as LGBT. These include physicians, researchers, social workers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and residents. Members on the OutList are comfortable with being used as knowledgeable resources to medical students and employees, as well as figures of visibility and representation for the LGBT community. For inquiries on how to use our OutList or how to add your name to our OutList, please email

View the full OutList.

For questions on how to use either out Physician Directory or OutList, please email